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Mollie P.O.V

''You know you don't have to.''

''I know'' Liam shrugged 

''Thank you again''

''It's nothing'' He murmured

I appreciate that he agreed on helping me recolating some stuff to the residence.

''Uhh-Sorry'' I stumbled and bumped into him

He laughed at my reaction and continued putting the boxes in his car.

The rest 10 minutes we kept silent. I can feel he's not okay.

''You know some fans see you and David beckham look alike''

''Really?'' He raised his eyebrow and let a small giggle escape his mouth

''You don't believe me.huh?'' I grabbed my phone ''See'' I handed him the phone

''Wow!'' He was taken back a little ''Cool'' He laughed getting into the car

I climbed next to him ''You know it's an honor'' I tried to tease him a little bit to see his reaction ''Like he's DAVID BECKHAM'' I made a lovestruck face

He just give me this smug smirk ''So you think he's hot?'' He started the engine

''Yesss'' I acted surprise

''So anyone looks like him obviously looks hot also''

''Yes'' For a second I wanted to take back all of this conversation but it was too late when I noticed the smug smirk on his face


That's all what he said , I leaned on the window trying to cover my embaressment.

Great Mollie you just talk without thinking.

''All my days are spent , All my cards are dealt , Oh, the desolation grows! , Every inch revealed , As my heart is pierced , Oh, my soul is now exposed!''

I looked beside me , Liam was mumbling some lyrics '' LET YOUR HEART HOLD FAST'' I exclaimed

''Fort Atlantic'' He replied moving his head and whistling the music

''I didn't know you like this kind of music'' Smiling at seeing he has good tast in everything , maybe that's what I see.

''It's good'' He smiled keeping his eyes on the road

We kept silent few minutes , but I wanted to break the silence.

''Liam are you okay?'' 

''Yes'' He answered shortly

I wanted to be specific ''Is there something I did bother you? You have to tell me it's okay we're friends''

''Yes friends that's what I wanted to talk about'' He replied immediately stopping the car on the side road.

''Is there something you want to tell me'' For sure it's not something good but I don't want any strain from me.

So I'm ready for what he's got.

Liam's P.O.V

''Yes friends that's what I wanted to talk about'' I snapped

I've been preparing what exactly to tell her so I wont hurt her.

''Is there something you want to tell me'' She turned to face me

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