25-It's Time To Freak Out

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Louis P.O.V

"THANK YOU BERLIN" The concert was extraordinary, I feel the sweat getting me, I look to the boys and we look all the same. It was the end of the European tour; finally I get to see my family and Frankie.

"We're going for a drink at Newton, joining?"

"Yeah, sure" I grabbed my phone heading to the closet.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked following me.

"I just..." I groaned "Frankie has been acting weird, I'm worried."

"You're scared" He raised his eyebrows teasing.

"Shut up" I closed the bathroom door blocking him out.

"YOU HAVE FIVE MINUTES" He screamed causing what I think Liam hitting him by a Panasonic or something.

I texted my sisters quickly telling them I'll be back tomorrow and then calling Frankie "Com'on pickup" I decided to leave a quick message "Hey Love, this is my last night in Berlin and I'm surrounded by wonderful places that I wish you had accepted to join my last week. Call me as soon as you can."

"FINALLY" Harry jumped from his place "Let's go" We grabbed our stuff and headed out.

I couldn't yet figure what's wrong with her and I'm fearing depression is getting her again. "Zayn" Then I remembered something very important.

"Sup" He joined me relived to be away from hyper Harry.

"You got Eleanor those stuff, lipsticks and these things for eyes"

He laughed "Mac cosmetics"

"Yes" I nodded rolling my eyes "I want these things to Frankie too"

"Yeah I'll see what I can do" He seemed to obvious holding his breath not to laugh "I think it's about 1000 or something"

"WHAT! For makeup?!"

He burst out laughing. "Ladies!" I sighed.


Mollie P.O.V

We finished recording the 3rd song in our new album and the next will feature Fun band. All the things going on in my life right now are good distraction from my hopeless love for Liam. I'm trying my best to keep myself busy with my own stuff rather than bargaining on things that wont happen.

"Girls" Rochelle snapped with a grin on her mouth "I have some news to tell" We all gathered hoping it wont be another story of a psycho she hit on the streets.





"Congratulations girlll" Vanessa hugged her spinning each other around, following every one of us.

"I really hope it's a girl" Una winked knowing that's mean girls infinite makeover with aunt Una.

"Awww this little belly will be like a watermelon in a couple of month" I squealed pointing at her small belly.

"Yup I'm super excited" Rochelle and Frankie's goofy grin appeared.

While we were heading out after this big news, I took the opportunity to take Frankie aside seeing she hasn't been herself lately made me worry.

"I'm fine" She said for the fifth time rolling her eyes.

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