4-Go on this date with me

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Louis P.O.V

I parked the car near the student residence , took a deep breath. I checked my phone It's nearly 11 pm. I searched for the security. Only 1  great. I looked around and chose a car far from the residence.



I entered the residence. 

''Hey Man! Their is a red car outside does it belong to anyone here?'' I asked the security , leaning on the desk

''Yes. It's the principal's!'' he nodded

''It's making the WooaWooooa sound''  I grinned

''What?'' He asked confused

''The.Car's.Alarm.Is.On'' I exclaimed

''What!'' He jumped from his place and ran outside towards the car.

I smirked  And Louis scores again

I hurried up to the second floor   416   416   416  I kept searching. 

All of a sudden I tripped and hit a door of one of the rooms making the sound of a knock.


A girl opened the door , before I could explain she screamed , making all the girls in their rooms get out.






Girls were screaming and I was trapped and couldn't escape.



Frankie P.O.V

I was peeking through the book on the bed.

Growing labor productivity relies on three main factors: investment and savings in physical capital, technology and human capital. The rule only looks at one factor while holding the other two factors constant...

Yup this's too much and-

''The date with Jordan went great'' Ashley grinned playing with the end of her blonde hair on her bed.

Jordan was Ashley's bestfriend cousin and they started dating now , actually this was their first date.

''I'm happy for you Ashley'' I smiled to her ''Jordan is a nice guy , I hope he treats you well or else'' I glared to her

She giggled.

''What's that sound!'' I exclaimed jumping from the bed

''The girls are screaming!'' Ashley got out of her bed

She opened the door and I followed her.

''Louis!'' I gasped

I found Louis trapped between the girls , holding a bouquet of blue and purple flowers.

And I was wearing my pyjamas.  Great!

''FRANKIE!'' Louis ran towards me 

''What're you doing here'' I whispered yelling glaring to him

''Babyyyyyyyy I miss you'' Louis grinned ''Girlssssss This my Frankie''

All the girls start cheering and whooping.

''Awwwwwwwwww'' I heard Ashley from beside me.

I rolled my eyes ''Louis. Leave. Now!'' I told him 

''I wont leave till you accept to go on a date with me'' He whispered , then turn to the girls ''My baby looks so good in her pyjamas'' He winked at me

Now I was really frustrated.

''Louis leave now'' I stood straight and crossed my arms

''Accept first'' He smirked





I turned to the girls ''Please shut up'' I waved my hands to calm the down

Louis lifts my hand to take the bouqeut from his hands.

''Leave now'' I glared to him

''This weekend. 8pm.'' He told me getting closer so our forehead meet

''Now'' I locked my eyes to his , still crossing my arms

''See you this weekend'' He winked

''WHAT IS THAT NOISE!'' I looked and found the principal yelling and pushing the girls and now she's standing infront of us crossing her arms and tapping her leg.

''Look what problem you drag me in to!'' I wishpered to Louis in anger

''AMANDA I NEED YOU BACK'' Louis exclaimed

Everyone looked confused.

He pretended to fall on me taking the bouqeut from my hands. 

''He seems drunk. No Amanda here'' The principal said , she didn't seem to completely buy it.

''Mark!'' She shouted to the security ''Take him out''

Mark came and took him out.

I breathed sigh of relief.

The principal looked at us. ''Here are rules you must follow.'' She has a glare on her face ''Everyone into your room it's 11 no one is allowed to be out'' 

Everyone including me went to their room.

''This is so romantic'' Ashley sighed throwing herself on her bed.

''This was irritating'' I groaned sitting on my bed

''What's happening between you both anyway!'' Ashley acclaimed. I can see she's all excited.

''Nothin'' I tried to drop off the subject

''As you like'' Ashley rolled her eyes ''Good Night'' She smiled and closed the lights

''Good Night''

I put my head on the pillow , quietness filled the place.

Reviewing the events and smiling to myself.

Beside Louis being annoying and sarcastic , I still feel crazy thinking about him. About dating someone from a huge band. Someone crazy loving.

I giggled in myself..... Closed my eyes letting myslef dream about him. About this insane Louis Tomilnson that I really like but circumstances aren't on my side.


AN:Thanks for everyone reads <3 Check the pic on the side:D

Next chapter Sneak peek Question:- How Liam and Mollie Not date will go?  What will Liam kind of regret doing?


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