9-Love Lovey

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Louis P.O.V

I was jogging before the match and hearing cheers from the fans and the people who just have a good spirit for participating in this event. I'm so excited and can't wait till we start.

I'm also so happy for Zayn , he's meeting Eleanor today , I got them two seats in the front and wished him good luck. To be honest it's hard for zayn to like any girl , he has  a unique character not any girl can catch up with , so I really hope this all go well. He's my best dude and he deserves the best.

Back to Frankie , every time I try to call her to apologize it sends me to her voicemail so, yeah she's really pissed off..

Zayn's P.O.V

I tried to steady my breathing , trying to suppress my anxiety. I was waiting for her outside with the tickets in my shivering hands. I still don't know what about her makes her so special and makes me so nervous.

I tried to think about our next concert , Doniya's goofy's jokes , how this woman dragging her kids to catch the game. Anything that keeps me busy than being anxious.

Here she comes , her beautiful hair falling down on her shoulders , her sweet gesture smile.

''Hi'' She hissed. 

''Hey'' I came closer and wrapped my arms around her waist hugging her , she responded and wrapped her arms around my neck , resting her chin on my shoulder.

She smells like Daisy and Sunshine. I love them.

''It has been a long time''

''Yeahh'' She blushed ''So how are you? I've seen 1Dday very funny'' She made small circles with her index finger

''Really! I'm Glad you like it , with Niall pink hair and the fashion show'' I wanted to lighten our anxiety. She giggled that's a good sign.

''I'm good actually great after I reached you....uhh How about you?'' 

''I'm really good'' She grinned

''Good'' I grinned back ''Let's go inside'' I tipped my head toward the court.

''Yeah'' She nodded 

''Do you want to grab something before we sit'' I asked her handing the tickets to the man standing on the door.

''Yup sure'' 

The lady who served our drink was a bit sassy , I didn't like the was she looked at Eleanor , she used her apron to wipe the moisture from her hands after serving a cold drink , her blonde hair looked like it was dyed not a nature blonde , the black hair was obvious from her scalp and she had smudged eyeliner. She looked close to our age maybe 25 or 27.

''Okay can you speed up a little bit , the game about to start'' I said

''Your order will be ready in seconds'' She answered not taking her eyes off the granita machine.

''What's wrong with her'' Elenour whispered looking to me

''Don't know'' I murmured ''I'll talk to the manager late''

She nodded and looked back to the counter then back to me ''I'm really glad to see you again''

I beamed ''I'm really glad too''

''Here you go'' Malyia , the waitress handed our drinks and snacks , facing bunch of girls for their order.

''So Eleanor-''

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