1-First Meeting

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A.N: Hey guys! This is my second fanfiction. 

The saturdays & One direction meet!

Liam & Louis - Mollie & Frankie <3

Hope you enjoy. xoxo

Comment & Vote <3

Different P.O.V in one chapter. Don't get confused.


Mollie P.O.V

''yaaay! I'm so excited'' I screamed excited jumping in my place.

''This's gonna be great'' Rochelle exclaimed 

''WE'RE MEETING ONE DIRECTION'' Me and Rochelle shouted

Actually we were opening their concert. But on the bright side I'm happy they chose us.

We started year ago as The Saturdays girls and it went so great. Me , Frankie , Rochelle , Vanessa and Una.

Una is the biggest and she's the only one married. Rochelle and Vanessa finished college 2 years ago. Me and Frankie are the youngest and we're also at the same college together but different sections.

We're like sisters , but Frankie is the closest to me. As we're the only ones without boyfriends , it's not like a bad thing to me. I'm just waiting for the perfect guy.

''Wake up princess. We're going on stage after 5 minutes'' Vanessa called. I realized I was daydreaming.

I rolled my eyes and went to check myself in the mirror.

''We're gonna rock the stage'' Me and Frankie smiled at our reflection in the mirror.

''Guys we're up!'' Rochelle called us pointing at the stage.

''Oh god , I'm nervous'' Frankie held my hand

''We're gonna be fine'' I told her ''I hope so''

She looked at me and we both giggled

We got up at the stage. Lucky the crowd loved us.

We perform What About Us. Our first top one song.

We finished and started getting off the stage quickly , because the boys are going to be up at any second.

''Ohhhh I was hoping we can meet them before their performance'' Rochelle groaned

''We're gonna meet them after they finish don't act like babies'' Vanessa said 

No wonder why she is the most mature one.

I was going off the stage the last one and when I was on the stairs I tripped , before I fall I found someone holding me

''Are you okay?'' His voice send me shivers

I looked up and saw a familiar face. Liam Payne! I didn't plan meeting him..them I mean like this. His brown eyes , his smirk make him so cute. I can feel his muscles. I didn't also expect him to be sooo-

I realized that I was staring at him.

Oh my god

''uhhhh. Yeh I'm okay. Th-Thanks'' I smiled. Then I realized that I was blushing.

He helped me getting up.

''Thanks again'' I grinned

''It's nothing'' He looked at me like he was memorizing me 

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