8-Keep Him Friend

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Frankie P.O.V

''FRANSISSCA SANDFORD GET UP FROM THE BED NOW OR I'LL COME AND GET YOU UP MYSELF'' Mollie groaned/yelled from the other side of the room

I goraned not wanting to open my eyes. Every time I remember what happened the last week , I feel guilty , embarrassed and confused. I don't want any rumors to start nor hurt myself again or anyone.

I just want everyone to leave me alone.

''FRANSISSCA!'' Mollie's voice disturbed my thoughts again.

''I can hear you murmuring some things'' 

I didn't argue with that.

I opened my eyes , seeing her standing infront of the bed , her hands on her waist , taping her left foot. Without any hisitation she pulled the cover from me and throw it away.

''Ugghhh what's wrong with you!'' I whinned

''First You need to wake up it's 1 pm and Second Kissing the boy isn't that baaaaad-''

I cut her off cupping her mouth ''Don't tell anyone that . Ever'' I warned her

And here it goes my guilt. I had to lie to my best friend and tell her that me and Louis kissed just not to open with me any unwanted subjects.

She rolled her eyes removing my hands ''AAAnd third Liam is taking me to the carnaval todaaaay'' She exclaimed taking my hands and jumping , I felt dizzy.

That's to remember myself not to sleep that late and take depression medicines.

''I'm soooo happy for you'' I throw myself again on the bed ''Now go go go you don't want to be late'' I waved my hand wanting her to go so I can be alone without fussing.

''Just if you forgot you have a class in 15 minutes'' She winked grabbing her bag and closing the door behind her.

I ignored her and layed some seconds before retrieving again what she had just said.

''OH MY GOD'' I jumped from the bed , grabbing any clothes , taking my books and marching through the hall.

That's gonna be a long day.

Mollie P.O.V

''I'm so excited. It had been a long time since I went to something like this'' I acclaimed , can't hide my astonishment.

As Liam was parking the car , I found him chuckling , that leads me to blushing again.

He looks so good with the Polo shirt. God I need to stop this!


I grinned and nodded.

The place was on the outskirts. Liam got out of the car heading to a man he seems to know , I followed him moving quickly as I can to catch up with him.

''Let's go'' He hold my hand , not giving me a chance to speak.

He kept jogging while I felt I was beeing dragged , he seems so excited about what we're going to do.

He stopped making me bump in his shoulders.

''What do you think?'' He asked looking at me with the grin that hadn't left his face.

I didn't know what he meant until I looked straight infront of me , here it's , infront of me.

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