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Frankie P.O.V

One Direction concert yesterday was amazing. But nothing last forever , I have test this week and I've tons of studying. Anyway, now I'm having coffee break and on my way to Costa.

''Espresso Duppio please.'' I told the waiter as I took a seat next to the window

Can't stop thinking about Louis and that was driving me crazy. Yesterday he kept fliriting with me , I admit I like it being special or something but now it's annoying he made the girls think we're gonna date and that's not what I want. First I need to concentrate on studying then-

''Miss Sandford! what a beautiful coincidence!'' A voice interrupted my thoughts

I looked up and saw Louis ''Oh hey'' I smiled can't hide my surprise

''Can I have a seat?'' He asked

''Uhhh sure'' I wasn't expecting see him here

''Studying break haa'' He grinned

''Yes'' I chuckled ''What're you doing here?'' That was a stupid question to ask , too late.

''I asked Mollie about you and she told me that I'll find you hereeeeeeee'' That was for sure a slip of tongue.

''So you're stalking me!'' I felt I want to tease a little , that's gonna be fun.

''Uhh no I'm not'' He pretended to surprised/hurt

''Ohhh yes you're'' I continued teasing him as I took a sip of the espresso

He was silent for seconds ''Fine'' He seems to give up

I put a victory look on my face to complete my jest.

He leaned over the table ''I don't call it a stalking if I want to take you out on a date'' 

I wanted to jump scream shout and say yes. Remembering no dates till I finish college. Also I don't anyone to think on of The saturdays girls will date a boy from one direction to attract the media. Plus I cant tell him about...no no no this supposed to be kept a secret and I don't want to open this subject again. I'll content with I'm not ready for dating yet.

''I'm sorry I wont date anyone till I finish college'' I told him

''What! who put this stupid rule!'' He groaned

I raised my eyebrow ''Me''

''Uhhhhhh I'm huhhh'' He start stumbling again

I hold a laugh ''It's my last year you can wait till I finish'' I stood up and left leaving him in his confusion.

My heart was going to leap out of my chest , I can't go throw this all , I kept it secret to myself for a long time.

I have no capability to open my heart again nor my mind.

I don't want to break my heart again.


''This is stupid! who can study all that!'' Mollie exclaimed angrily

Despite she isn't my roomate we hang out as long as we can together. I forgot to mention she also has a test this week.

''They're ruining our lives'' Ashley my roomate joined us

Jake and Ian joined , they're nice guys and we all have economic class together.

''Who can study all that!'' Says Jake

''I want to watch The Wolf Of Wall Street'' Ian as usual talking about another thing that doesn't have to do anything with the situation.

I looked at him bitting my lips to stop myself from laughing , he caught me galring ''What Miss Fransisslina!'' He pretended to be coy.

Yup I that's my nickname he made up for me that now everyone started to call me Fransisslina , each time he do this it end up my stomach hurting from laughing. And that what happened.

The four of us kept listening to Ian's nonsense comments , he's fun to be around and a very helpful friend.

''Oh my god! look who's here!'' Ashley's eyes widen

I looked wiping the tears formed after Ian's sarcastic moments.

Louis! Really! I looked at Mollie she seems confused as I'm.

He walked confident that most of the people's eyes were on him.

''Frankie , Mollie. What a nice surprise'' Louis smirked

I glare at him.

''Hey Louis'' Mollie beamed at him but then notice my tension so she tried to overcome what was going to happen.

''Uhh this Ashley Frankie's roomate and Ian and Jake our friends'' Mollie said before anyone can notice anything ''Guys this is-''

''Louis Tomlinson'' Ashley blushed ''Hiiii'' She seems to know One Direction very very well

''Hi nice to see Frankie's roomate , Ian and Jake'' I think he always has the sarcastic gift

Jake and Ian shook hands with him , they know that we were performing at their concert , so they acted normal.

''What are you doing here?'' I asked him forcing a smile

''I'm visiting a friend here'' Louis pretended to be innocient

''Really! who?'' Ashley asked

''A friend in room 504 , but I dont know in which floor unfortunately'' I'm sure he made that up

''Ohhh tha's gonna be on the third floor. We're in room 416 so we're on the second , that's make the 500 the third'' Ashley told him

I gasped.

What did you do Ashely! Whyyyyy!!

''Ohh thank you'' Louis grinned

I smiled and pulled Louis away from them ''You took what you want , now leave'' I wishpered yelling glaring at him

Louis has this smug smirk on his face ''You didn't give me a reasonable explanation for not dating so...'' He wishpered then looked to the guys.

''Okay guys nice to meet you all'' He told them and winked at me and left. The smirk didn't left his face.


''Something wrong'' Mollie said not a question tone

''Nothing I'm fine'' I told her ''He's just so annoying sometimes''

''You're wrong he's so cute and funny'' Mollie made a baby face

''Whatever'' I rolled my eyes ''Let's go we have a class to catch''

She groaned.

I'm going for sure to tell her I met him today but the dating thing that in the past she doesn't know except what the media know and thank god she didn't open the subject ever.

Liking Louis is my little secret that I can't say....till now.


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Next chapter Sneak peek Question :- What does Liam think about Mollie? 

                                                                      Zayn Malik's new interest....!? Special?.....hummm maybe;)

PS: There will be a picture made by me will be posted each chapter:D check it out>>>

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