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Louis P.O.V

I've never been excited to a party like this , except of course my graduation party , Maria was  a girl to talk about and... and then again not the subject to talk about.

''Anyway she's gonna be here''


''El , Louis , El!'' Zayn frowned ''You wasn't with me ,was you!'' 

''Sorry man''

''You're nervous ay??'' Zayn winked , This guy knows me very well.

''I'm afraid to mess up''

''You're gonna do fine , I checked with Paul and they're all here'' Liam joined with the others.

''Barbara's coming too'' Niall choked his words. Barbara and Niall have been dating for a while , but to be honest me and the guys don't like her that much. Harry thinks too that Niall isn't very happy but he didn't say anything.




''You made it!!'' Ed gestured towards us giving each one bro-hug

''Happy birhday man''

''We're gonna drink for the sake of  the man who's getting old'' Harry teased him 

''Hahaha funny Harlord'' Ed teased back

''Ha guys very funny , now excuse me for a second'' I mimicked.

''I'm gonna search for Frankie. See you , don't wait for me'' I murmured to Zayn

''Actually I'm going with you , I have to let El in'' Zayn jogged to the front door

Okay here we go

''Hey man''

''How ya du'n?''

''Lou over here''

I nodded to the different peolpe who were calling , I don't mean to be rude , but I had to see her first.



I saw her small figure standing beside tha bar at the very end , She looked so good and so nervous , well not nervous as I'm.

She saw me immediately and gave a half wave and flashed a smile. I smirked and headed towards her.


''Hey'' She replied

''Good to see you in one piece''

''Yeah'' I giggled

We kept for some seconds looking to each other , with million thoughts going in my head 'What I should say first'

Com'on it was just one week

''I missed you'' I genuinely said

''God I missed you too'' She threw her arms around my waist , I frozed a moment and then came back to my sense and wrapped my arms around her.

''Frankie I sweated like a carrot from my nervousness''

I felt her giggles on my shoulder


''You're stupid'' She mumbled giggling

''I know'' I shrugged squeezing her

She groaned ''Ohhh ugh. Stop laughing'' She moved from my embrace , rubbing her arms

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