26- This Will Change Everything

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Frankie's P.O.V

I prepared everything; a cozy floor pillows, made his favorite meal and wore the dress he loves. The burdens on my chest are the things that I prepared the most. Just for tonight then tomorrow you can tell him everything. I thought.

I heard the keys' sound and his familiar face appeared within seconds, I ran jumping on him caught him off guard but he managed to regained his balance "Ohhh I've missed you so much" He whispered in my ears.

"I missed you too" I held him tight "I love you so much..."

He giggled kissing me "I love you too, Frankie"

I felt my hands shivers a little bit, so I quickly held his torso guiding him to the living room "So tell me, how was the trip?"

"Ohhh you don't know how much it felt so good, we're considering signing for a new album, we have interview next week and also we're meeting Tiësto to discuss a new project" He sat down taking his breath placing me on his lap "Open this" He handed me a big green backpack.

"Oh my god! What's all that?" It was full of makeup, comfy pjs and jelly beans "You chose all those by yourself?"


"No?" I shook my head laughing and he did the same.

"Tell me what has been up with you" He asked while we ate.

"Nothing much, Rochelle is pregnant"

"Wow congratulations to her" He grinned stuffing food in his mouth.

And I thought I was too.

"Hey Louis" I looked at my plate avoiding looking at him "Why Niall broke up with..." I couldn't remember her name but he understood quickly.

"Between you and me" Louis tilted his head to me as if there were people around us "I think there's a new flame" He winked at me.

Oh boy you don't know!

"Okay let's not occupy this beautiful face of yours" He huffed looking chubby and cute as ever "Come here" He extended his arms to me.


Mollie P.O.V

"And this another picture of Skógafoss" Jake flipped through his laptop "Next time we should go together" He looked at me and smiled.

I found myself blushing realizing how much I'd missed him; our friendship was strong and at the same time easy, no quarrels just arguments, conversations would come up mindlessly and we used to hang out like every day, he became a stable backbone in my life "We should" I replied.

"And thank you for all these gifts" I pointed at the bags next to me "But this is a lot" He shrugged "Seriously"

"You're my favorite" He cupped my chin "Anyway what's new beside all this success" He winked.

"Nothing much. We're now friends with the direction boys" I bite my lips "And oh my dad opened a new local business" I remembered.

"I. love. Your. Dad. So. Much."

I laughed. They always get well together, 3 years ago Jake's family was on vacation and they got stuck there on Thanksgiving day and he came with me to my family's, they first though he was my boyfriend and dad this day said 'you're the first boyfriend that I didn't want to kill' and from that day they became 'buddies'.

"We should visit them soon"

"I can arrange that" I beamed resting my head on the back of the couch.

My phone rang again for the 20th time and Jake groaned "Who's this idiot that calling for the 50th time"

I knew he was Liam, he has been calling all day but I already texted him telling him that I'm busy today; I have life too "Just an unknown number"

"Come on" He extended his hand "Let's get food. It's on me" He gave me his prince charming smile.

I rolled my eyes "Okay let me change quickly" He fell on the couch "I won't take long" I mimicked him before he can even groan.

Changing into Cotton Linen Dress was the fastest option and quickly pulled my hair up. "I'm ready"


While eating out burgers Jake asked a question that changed the context of the events.

"Mollie, do you consider having a roommate?" I sensed his nervousness and a few minutes ago he split coke on the table.

"B-but why?"

Like he was expecting this question, he quickly responded "I'm trying to save money for the next trip. Mollie, you know photography has been my hobby and aim; I bought this camera from my work during college and with the pictures I had taken I intend to enter a competition, and the reward is pretty well"

"I know and I support you" I extended my hands holding his "But you know I don't need a roommate, I can afford the rent and the media will start posting rumors..."

"Just till I can find a stable job" He argued "And promise with my first salary I'll move out"

I took a deep breath, he's my friend and he needs me "Fine" I assured him and myself with a smile.

"Thank you thank you thank you" He got up and hugged me.

It will be fun. I thought.

Nothing wrong can happen. I thought.

"What are you laughing at on you phone" I asked him while he was walking me back home. It was decided tomorrow morning we'll get his stuff from his brother.

"This Tomlinson guy, Frankie's boyfriend"

"It's Louis" I rolled my eyes "What about him?"

"One of his sisters is hooking up with one of the guys in the band"

"What!" I snitched his phone from him.

Pictures were on Facebook of Lottie and Niall hugging and kissing, and the post has been uploaded from 2 hours.

"Ohmygod ohmygod" I freaked out "I need to call Frankie"

"Why? What's wrong?" He was genuinely clueless.

"Pickup.Pickup.Pickup.Pickup" I ignored him.


QN: Will this affect the band? Will it be a good idea to Jake moving in?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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