17- We're Who We're

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Frankie P.O.V

''Mollie , Is Sarah there yet?'' I asked from the front seat

''Liam supposed to pick her up at 10. Aha! She's there'' She checked her phone

Louis insisted on letting Alfred , his driver , take us. He's such a nice old man. I sat in the passenger seat , while Mollie , El and Ashley sat in the back. Quite a comfortable car. 

''We are here , ladies'' Alfred stated , stopping the car.

''Yaaay'' The girls backwards exclaimed

''Thank you so much Alfred'' I turned to him

''I'm delightful to serve Mr Tomlinson friends welcomely'' He smiled ''Though to be said you're a very special person for Mr Tomlinson''

I couldn't help but blush and looks at my lap. I heard squealing and chuckles from the back seat.

''Okay'' I tried to stop blushing but it only added to my voice to crack and it came out as a whisper.

 ''Thanks Alfred. Bye!'' The girls said , getting out of the car.

''Stop staring'' I protested still ceepy blushing 

''We're not'' Ashley teased ''Girls!''

The three sang ''Louis and Frankie sitting under a tree aaaaaa kiiisssssinggg''

''SHUT UP'' I whinned moving faster to get away from them. Everyone out of the mall looked at us , even when we entered. I thought their silly laughs and song are causing much attention , then a girl screamed ''THE SATURDAYS'' and within a second we were stuck inside a crowd of people.

It was Eleanor second time , first when she was with Zayn. She was pretty excited.

''Okay girls'' Mollie directed us to the huge glitery store , she's the queen of fashion and the owner knows her , so of course we followed ''This place is extremely amazing! you'll find everything you want. Go and Have Fun'' 

We ended up together like lost puppies , untill Mollie came with a bunch of clothes she had already choosen for us to try with a condition , that in less than 15 minutes , everyone meet in the dressing room with the same bunch by their own choice.

I groaned looking at the long dresses , untill a dress caught my eyes. ''Sweet'' I picked it up and was on my way to the other corner to see some blouses and pants.

''Hey! Lookin' good this dress'' Ashley popped up making me gasp.

''Ash! You scared me'' My eyes fell on the dress she held ''Perfect Ashley. It's so you''

She grinned. ''Great! Let's go to grab some stuff , than Miss pots'' refering to Mollie ''ban us from the inheritance'' she refered to the clothes Mollie picked them us later.

''Doggy'' I laughed. I really needed to pick new clothes. I was wearing my old black jeans and my Effiel Tower shirt. 

''Fransislina'' Ashley picked my 'frankenstein' name as Jake says.

''I need to take your opinion about something''

''What girly'' I picked a navy blue blouse

''It's about Jordan'' Here we go , I had feelings that they wont complete a year with each other.

''What about him'' I asked looking at the pencil skirts. 

''He told me he loves me''

''You're kidding! That's great'' I lied.

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