14-My Bestfriend's Crush

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Mollie P.O.V

I wasn't sure about my red dress nor my bun , but as usually I've no time to change anything.

Finally Liam.......My friend.........My secret crush.........Liam Payne he's back.

''Heeey blondy'' He jumped hugging me

''Liaam'' I breath a sigh of relief ''I missed you so much Payne'' I wraped my arms more tight around him.

''I miss you too blondy'' He chuckled , he broke the hug and squeezed my shoulders ''I've a great news to tell you'' 

''Really! What?'' I exclaimed , I found it amazing how he tell me about his life more than I thought.

''Okay. Let me just bring a drink and you can wait for me over there'' He pointed at a fluffy glitery couch one the side.

I checked Frankie , Louis was with her. I hope she wont ruin anything. My Best Friend & I know Her. He really really likes her and still clinging to her after all she had done. Poor boy. She better makes things right , now.

I opened my purse and smile at the sight of that small box , little present I wanted to give to Liam , as soon as I'd seen it I knew it's for Liam.

''Here you go Blondy'' Liam jumped to his seat and handed me my drink. I can tell he looks happy , I assume that's because of the good news he's about to tell me.

''Thanks. Huh! Tell me'' 

''Okay'' He shifted in his seat ''So , on my second day there , I was getting coffee from a cafe near the Hotel , I bumped to some girl , I said sorry but I didn't checked who was here . When I was on my way out , I heard someone calling my name and the last person I expected to see was standing infront of me''

I was afraid to say Danielle , that was the first person pop up in my mind.

''My former school crush''

''What?'' I asked , still didn't completely get it.

''Sophia Smith was my school crush , but I was shy to tell her anything'' He shrugged and chuckled

I just tittled my head a little . ''Yeah , I was a mess up'' He laughed at his words

''No you're Not'' I demanded ''I'm just a little surprised that's all''

''I was too! That day I took her phone number and we kept talking for hours everyday. I just can't believe it. You know. My first crush appears suddenly from nowhere.'' He beamed at the sight of his words

''I know'' Truth is I didn't know and I was a little shocked by His Good News. My next question was the oppisote of what I wanted to say.

''So old feelings came and you think you want her to see you more that a friend , more than what she had seen you in the past?''

His eyes shine a little ''Mollie I love how you understand me before I speak. You're amazing.''

''Yes I am'' I clenched my teeth

''Yes exactly. I want to start over and not to be afraid and tell what I feel''

''W-What about Danielle?'' I regret it the moment I said it.

It took him a minute to answer ''Of course I miss her , I miss the meomeries we made together , but what I learnt that life doesn't stop at someone you lost , wether it's your fault or the other. But what i'm sure about that there will come a day I wont miss her like the day before''


Why he do this to me!?

I must be a good friend and speak the truth. I kept telling myself.

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