22-My Heart's Stereo

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Louis P.O.V

''Love...'' I sighed for the fifth time ''It's just two months and I'll be here with you again getting on your nerves as usual, don't worry about it'' I tried to lighten up the mood but I receive a sad nod from her again.

It's Asian tour and I can't not to go but a bad timing to tell her now. I should have told her when we have reached LA house not now.

She turned from her staring time at the road ''Why we didn't wait for your family and go all together tomorrow? Why we're going now?''

''So we can have some time together'' I winked to her

She poked me ''I hate you''

''I love you too, love'' She just looked to me and didn't reply.

I turned down the radio as we came nearer and nearer to our destination.

"Louis, Is this the house?"

"Yep" I replied cheerfully getting the bags out of the car.

"It's amazing" Her eyes shone getting out and taking a look around "Very quiet and you know we can see the beach from here!'' She squealed beaming

''I know love. But would you mind helping'' She gasped giggling and quickly coming to help.

"LOUIS'' A high pitched voice came from behind.

Amanda Bridget, the blonde girl living two houses beside us and she helped me buying the house.

"Hey girl" I whooped

"I didn't know you'll be here today or else I'll be here earlier" She said kissing me cheek.

"No'' I shook my head "We have just arrived now"

She noticed the woman beside me "Oh! This Frankie'' I introduced them "Fran, This is Amanda , she's living near from here''

"Hi girl'' She said "If you needed anything, I'm here all the time'' Amanda grinned

Frankie forced a really big fake smile with gritted teeth ''Thank you so much! But we should go, it had been a long ride!'' She grabbed the bag from my hand, making me stumble, glaring at me and going away.

That's not really good!

''Sorry about that'' I told Amanda getting the last bag out of the car

''Yeah don't worry about that'' She gave me an understanding look.

An awkward giggle escaped my mouth ''Yeah I should go''

''SEE YOU AROUD'' She shouted as I walk waving to me.

I found Frankie standing by the locked door taping her leg, I tried to hide a laugh that will eventually will come out and opened the door for her.

''Just don't'' She shoved me away getting in.

''You're mad?''

''No'' I gambled that she would say that.

''Okay'' I beamed seeing what that would lead in the end.

She raised her eyebrows and turned to look at the house. I tried to ignore her annoyance, so I started packing the kitchen with the stuff we got.

"Louis'' She whispered after some time.

''Yes love?'' I asked really busy holding the tea and coffee packs before they fall.

"How did you manage to do all that?''


"Everything in the house as I always wanted my house to be'' I turned to see her sweet smile.

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