23-The Smile Behind The Irish Boy & The Pixie Girl

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Liam P.O.V

"Mollie for God sack come and get it out!" I pleaded for the third time. I know she wont get up until the cake burns.

I heard her groan infront of the TV and she turned at me "Unless you hadn't noticed I'm watched Reign and I can't leave when Narcisse is talking"

"Who?" I asked less interested

"Who can get enough of Narcisse" She flickers her eyes looking dreamy

I blinked at her for the last time and she got that I'm no longer interested in her any series man crush.

She Sat down for some seconds and got up quickly afterwards "GOD! You're so annoying!"

I chuckled following her to the kitchen, she took the tray out "Why you didn't get it out yourself" She commented

I was about to say something but she stopped me raising her hand "I don't want to know"

We've been doing this all week long and I always have my excuse I'm helping you by not helping you so you can be more independent. And then with a wise tone I end my sentence with You will thank me later.

Mollie's voice brought me back from my thoughts "What just happened?" I quickly took the tray from her hand.

"I was just trying to put some of them" Strawberry jams was all over her clothes.

"Never mind" I assured her "I'll do it"

"Finally you're helping!" She teased and received a death glare from me.

"Fine" She gave up "I'll shower"

I finished what's supposed to be a baked cake and Mollie didn't come out yet.

"I'll close Narceeze" I shouted to Mollie


"Girls" I mumbled. We were supposed to meet up with my sisters for dinner but by that we're gonna reach them by midnight.

"What we have hereee" I found Mollie's laptop at the end of the couch "No password?" I blinked few times Mollie writes! From when?!

My instincts deceived me and without notice I was flipping through her works some was about Valentine's Day and a speech for Rochelle's wedding. Something caught my eyes after some time, a lot of articles called 'Being Friend zoned' and something, I opened the first one even I was supposed to be that last snooping person on earth.

Being Friend zoned (Jealous Of The Nerd Girl)

Prom was the worse! He didn't even ask me to dance, like for God sack I was waiting for this moment from the fifth grade!

I've always felt pity for Sarah but at this point all hatred built inside me ended towards her and then I thought again, some blame also must be put on him.

He's moron, dump (Imagine he's more dumper than me), bastard, unthoughtful of my feelings.

But then again....Maybe I need to tell him how I feel.


I jumped from my place, the laptop almost fell "Uhh y-yeah" I steadied myself to my feet.

Her features was changed as she was about to cry "I-I didn't mean to open anything....I just read one article no more, I swear" I felt my palms sweating and I begged to be a minimal rage.

She snapped the laptop from my hand and scanned the page I've been reading and looked up at me "That all what you've seen?" Her tone held a warn more than a question and I couldn't manage why.

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