3-Guys talk

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Mollie P.O.V

I was sitting in my room , when Frankie came frowing.

''Uhhhhhhhh This unbelievable'' She groaned , throwing herself on the bed. 

Thanks god Sarah my roomate wasn't here , she would throw her out. She's very organized person and hates any kind of noises. I doubt if she ever do any girly stuff.

''What happened?'' I asked taking peeks on my phone

To Mollie: LOLxD You must be kidding! 

''You saw what Louis did!'' She exclaimed ''He's an idiot'' She waved her hands in frustration

''I think he really likes you and you're the idiot for refusing to go on a date with him'' I told her ''Just one date and see what will happen next....I mean he's in One Direction'' I grinned

''See that's what I'm talking about'' She rolled ove the bed ''I don't want anyone to think that I'm dating one of the boys in One Direction for any avidity , like an andatage for The Saturdays!''

From Mollie: No that's really what happened :$

''Francesca Sandford forget that crap! People always talk wether you're doing the right thing or not'' I seem to nudge her attention ''Do what you want and forget about what people think''

She was silent a while. 

''Who're you texting anyway?'' She stuttered playing with her buttons of the jacket.

''Liam'' I blushed

''What!'' She exclaimed smiling

''He's fun'' I grinned

''You like him!'' She exclaimed jumping from the bed 

''Shhhhh'' I trieds to shut her up 

''I like him but-''

''But what?'' She asked

''I'm not sure if he likes me back'' I murmured ''I feel like an idiot when I ever talk to him , I stumble , I talk about silly things. I feel that he laughs at how stupid I'm at the other side of the phone'' I giggled ashamed of myself ''I'm just afraid messing up things''

''Honey.....'' Frankie came and sat beside me ''You're amazing , funny and beautiful. Don't underestimate yourself...ever'' I smiled ''I bet that he likes you too'' She winked making me giggles.

I don't know what I'll do without you bestfriend.


Liam P.O.V

To Moliie: What're you doing?

From Mollie: Nothin much

From Mollie: With Frankie talkin wbu?

To Mollie: With the lads

To Mollie: Having a photoshoot tom.

From Mollie: Really! When?

To Mollie: At 10 

To Mollie: What about having lunch after I finish;)?

From Mollie: Sure :D

From Mollie: Have nothin tomorrow:D

To Mollie: See you at 4 tom;) I'll text you the address

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