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Louis P.O.V

'I felt that I was worthless, that I was ugly': The Saturdays's Frankie Sandford opens up on her battle with depression

Frankie Sandford has opened up about her battle with depression....

I flicked through my laptop , all these Frankie struggling with depression news from the past year. All I got is she was dealing with depression for over two years that I assume it's right , but all this crap about the reasons , that I didn't believe.

''There is something I miss''

I was reluctant to go and see her , but I decided to put my worries aside and take Zayn's advice and talk to her. All we have to do is talk about it. (last line not mine actually NCIS - Kensi)

I went to buy her some roses maybe this will lessen the complications. Mollie told me she has class in an hour or so , so I need to see her before she goes.

The traffic is pretty crowded for Sunday mourning. 

''Sir , Put your worries aside. We'll arrive soon'' Alfred my driver and an old servant. I know him since I was four he used to take care of me when I was at my father's house. He's now 71 maybe , but he's my trustee.

''Yeah I know but I need to catch her before she goes'' I frowned. I don't want to loose this chance before I leave tonight for the concert.

''You do really like her'' Alfred commented smiling genuinely.

''Alot '' 

.                                                     :

I ran a hand through my hair walking down the hallway , Mollie was waiting for me at Frankie's door. Plain white shirt and jeans and a bun. She jumped waving at my sight.

''Hiii there'' She wishpered grinning

''Heyyy'' I scratched the back off my neck. I was nervous like hell.

''She's here and the class is starting in 15 minutes so make it quick!''

Technically , we were both wishpering at her door step.

''Okay'' I huffed

''I'll be at the buffet'' I nodded ''Good luck'' She lift her thumbs up and left.

What's wrong with girls these days! If their hair is done in bun , she's either angry or studying. Of course Mollie will be studying , she mentioned they have exams this week.

What I'm doing !

15 minutes to go. I remembered myself.

I knocked replaying what I'm going to say.

''Just a minute Ian!'' This sends me unpleasant feeling in my stomach. Why she was expecting him!

She opened the door , her breath was heavy , there was a tinge of exhaustion on her face , but she looked beautiful as always.

I swallowed hard ''Hey'' I gave a small wave

She cleared her throat ''Hi. I-I'm'' She stuttered ''I was mmmm expecting-''

''Ian'' I finished for her

''Can I come in?''

She stood there a minute then nodded ''Yeah'' 

I was about to start apologizing and asking for explanation but she was faster and was already at her desk.

''LouispleaseIdon'twanttoopenthissubjectagainplease'' She said too fast , collecting some papers from her desk and I'm sure she was avoiding eye contact.

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