24-Slap This Secret Out Of Me

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Mollie P.O.V

"Ughh...I look like an owl" Rochelle whined looking at her wedding pictures.

"It's not that bad" Una took it from her "If we close our left eyes and cocks our heads slightly to the right, maybe also covering this part of the photo" She mimicked everything she said "Yeah it looks good"

We burst out laughing and Rochelle punching Una slightly in the arms.

"Well I looked good" Frankie shrugged teasing.

"That's good! I hope you my bridemades are happy that YOU WERE THE ONES THAT WERE LOOKING GOOD" Rochelle groaned making us giggle.

"Is it like you are living together now?" Vanessa asked Frankie scanning the room in comfort.

"Umm" Frankie blushed "I don't know we didn't talk about it"

"I think you're not 'the talking couples' thing, you're more 'take steps and do things' kind of couple" I told her.

She put a satisfying smile and we all winked at each other.

"I like the style" Vanessa continued, taking about the design of the house.

"Excuse me" I said satisficing my urgent need to go to the bathroom.


I washed my hands then searched for the towel "Really Frankie! No towels!" I hissed.

I took a tissue, used it and then opened the bin to throw it, close it...wait, I opened it again. My hands trembled as I took it from the bin "A pregnancy test!" I whispered to myself my throat hurting "Oh god Frankie"

It's negative so it's good, I wonder should I talk to her or leave it to herself? Would she get mad if she knew I'd known?

"Mollie what's keeping you up that long?" Frankie's face paralyzed looking at what I was holding. Her big brown eyes locked with it.

"What's the hell is that?" I spat.

She blinked couple of times "As you see" She marched into the bathroom, closing the door behind her, covering the toilet seat and sitting on it.

I rested my back on the wall next to the door "When did you do it?"

She blushed looking down at her hands "Before he leaves"

"So you assumed that you're pregnant?'' I swear I was super happy and excited to hear this but she's being overcautious. Sometimes you have to let things take their place in life naturally.

She sighed "Mollie, you know I'm scared"

"From what!" I snapped "He freakin loves you!" I walked over to her ''He endures everything you've done just to be with you and I don't think he'll ever leave you pregnant!"

She looked overwhelmed and stayed silent for some time.

"You're probably right"

"Yeah, I am" I raised my eyebrows to her.

She giggled covering her face with her palms.

I remembered something "You did it with all these people in your house" She looked at me amused but I couldn't help it.

"Lets go, they will probably ask why we're so late" A blush crept from her face.

"Okay Okay! But you'll tell me later" I closed the door behind us.

"I'LL! GOD you're so nagging" She put her finger on her mouth shshing me.

I jumped beaming following her. Suddenly she turned around "Remind me to take your opinion about something." She murmured.

"About what?" I lowered my voice to her level.

"About Niall and Lottie"


Liam P.O.V

I scroll down Jake's profile, what does Mollie sees in him? Other than he travels the world, participant in charities, a member in a cycling club and intern photographer in West London Studio.

Crap! He's the ideal guy for her!

I got frustrated when I didn't find any photo with girls all over him so, I can show Mollie he's a playboy.

Great, Selfish Already? My subconscious nagged me.

"I broke up with Barbra" Niall's voice caught my attention.

"Why?" Louis whined trying to sound sad but I know that this little devil is grinning inside.

"I-I just don't feel that she's the one" Niall stuttered.

Morning;) I just met one of the fans who likes Boardwalk Empire, finally someone likes ur weird showsxD

To: Mollie

Sent: 4:18

"Yeaaah....what a shame" Harry said and I'm sure each of his words held a mock.

We all peeked looks at each other, something that we agree on, is that no one of us liked this Barbra.

"To be honest" I started after seeing no response from Mollie "You should have done that long time ago"

"I know" Niall nodded immediately.

"I was always sure that you're into someone else" Zayn said.

He's always like that, stays quiet and quiet; and when he talks he just bomb something into the goal.

Niall's head shoot up "What?" He snapped.

Harry and Louis looked to one another "Naaah"

Zayn just shrugged. "What made you so sure" I asked.

MY shows ARE NOT weird:P and good morning to u too xx


"We'll see" Zayn confidently told us.

God! I miss her...

Niall P.O.V

God! How I'm supposed to tell him that I like his sister!?

Harry P.O.V

I pulled the mirror closer to my face.

Oh my god is that a mustache?!

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