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Mollie P.O.V

''Why?'' I whined taking another tissue and whiping my nose. Good day for cold I thought.

''Mollllllie!'' Frankie's voice echoed in my ears

''Shhhhhh'' I closed my eyes and rolled over the bed

''Poor thing'' Frankie giggled but stopped at my glare at her and sat at the edge of the bed and handed me the pills.

''For god sake leave your phone!'' Frankie sat cross-legged infront of me trying to grab the phone from my hands.

''Leeeeave it'' I moved away sniffing

I know you find it cliche but Liam doesn't answer his phone and I'm worried , I know he told me that he's busy with the concerts and he doesn't see his phone nor his bed except at night.

''I'm just worried'' I whispered more talking to myself

Frankie bit her lower lip and looked away. I'm sure she has something for Louis since she told me about what happened last Sunday. She can barely talk about it but I know , I'm her best friend.

''Okay you just rest , so you can go to Ed's party on Friday'' Frankie told me 

I was silent for a minute , there's no point waiting on the phone right now. ''Okay'' I mumbled and switched off the phone and leaned backwards on the pillow trying to get some sleep , I still feel a little dizzy.

''Frankie?'' I called trying to break the silence after a while.

''Hmmm'' She was completely focusing on the book

''What do you like most about Louis?'' I seem to nudge her attention.

She tilted her head to the side to meet mine ''Why's that question?''

''Just askin' '' I shrugged

She once-over then looked at her hands ''This is a hard question though I have I pretty good answer. I think.''

I didn't say anything and she continued ''I like how he cares about me and how he easy express his feelings not afraid of anything and the fact he's so patient with my stubbornness.... I guess I need to tell him'' 

''I think you should'' I was relieved when I found a genuine smile appears on her face.

''I promised him and I'm keeping that promise''

''I know you will''



I marched to the bathroom , Frankie was drifting into a nap , I didn't want to wake her up.

I washed my face and changed into a long sleeve polo shirt and jeans and put my hair up with an elastic. I pulled the sleeves up and turn on the pot for coffee.

''Oh my phone'' I remembered I switched off earlier.

I took it and snuggled on the couch , good thing Sarah is staying with her family this week , I thought.

2 missed calls from dad. So I called him quickly , not wanting him to get worried , I told him I fell just a little bit ill nothing else.

I message from Liam that made a huge grin appear on my face.

Sorry I didn't call , so busy :/ 

 promise to call nighty. Missing your jokes already;P

I breathed sigh of relief , he's fine. 

I went through twitter for a while and got an idea , I took a picture of sleeping Frankie and post it.

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