21-Change My Mind

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Mollie P.O.V

Being home Friday night , not a bad thing. Alone , not also a bad thing. But being home alone Friday night pissed at Liam , is the bad thing.

I kept switching from channel to channel , Maroon 5 concert , Entertainment Tonight , Bridget Jones's Diary caught my attention. I admit watching it over 4 times but you can't get bored from Mark Darcy , he's a completely gentleman not like others... I shrugged from the thought of Liam again.

I promised myself to take a break from thinking about our ... how do I call it... relationship? Friendship? Friend zone is the right definition to this state that I put myself – mindlessly – in it.

I took a pen and my aide-memoire clearly , with a big handwriting writing .. We're never ever ever getting back together

Wait we were never even together , feeling ridiculous I scratch the words.

Okay time for donuts! I lazily shifted my weight from the couch , slowly heading to the kitchen , meeting the delicious caramel donuts Rochelle bought it early. They were here today's morning celebrating me and Frankie's graduation and the big news of Rochelle wedding , now is decided on the 27th of July as after two weeks from now.

I took one of the donuts ''Babe from tomorrow no more from you , I need this tummy to be gone''

''Don't look at me like that , I need to be fit for Rochelle's wedding , you know how the bridemades thing go'' After I finish my little chat with her , I was ready now to eat it.

Then the stupid bell rang ''I swear I'm gonna kill you'' I talked to myself but the words were directed to that idiot standing on the door.

Opening the door harshly , I found him standing wearing his brown leather jacket , infront of his face a big fluffy brown teddy bear holding 'I'm Sorry' read sign.

''Oh god'' I whispered , automatically putting my hand over my mouth.

The big teddy was slowly put down , to reveal Liam's face ''Well you'd accept the bear's apology rather than mine'' He shrugged with the I'm sorry smile on his face.

I laughed at the sight of this ''You know me well'' I teased but inside of me I was screaming YES I ACCPET ANYTHING FROM YOU , YOU IDIOT I'M FALLING FOR , WHO'S STANDING AT MY DOOR STEEPS.

''You have..'' He made a small circles over his mouth

I jumped from my place , wipping the left over from caramel sauce from my mouth. Clever Mollie.

I totally forgot.

I heard his giggles so I turned around ''Very funny ha?'' I said smiling

''Sorry'' He put his hand to stop but failed

I crossed my arms ''Can I come in'' He asked and received a quick nod from me.

And I thought I would be firm. What a joke!

He entered handing me the teddy bear , I accept it with a frown. Last night wasn't good that a teddy will make it up.

He cleared his throat , I've never seen Liam very nervous like now.

''I miss you'' I pursed my lips to hold my mouth so not to say back ' I miss you very much '

''I miss you blondy very much'' he continued not bothered to hear any reply from me ''Do you know that you are the only girl I had a bestfriend ever , even my sisters weren't like you , you're very special to me'' He looked at me the away again.

''I know I was being selfish asking Sarah to go with her but I did that because I was jealous'' he took a deep breath like a huge weight has gone and looked at me again.

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