chapter twenty-five

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I hated Michael.

I didn't think it was possible to hate someone that I've known for so many years and have been best friends with. He took the one thing that meant the most to me. Lauren. Of course I understand why she would chose him over me. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Lauren who was sitting next to me, doing her work.

"May I ask what you're looking at?" she snapped her head up and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I looked away quickly and I heard her sigh, "sorry." she chuckled and continued her work.

"Alright class." Mrs. Johnson, our bio teacher started talking, "today you will be given a project that you will have to complete by the end of the week with your partner next to you. If you don't turn it in by Friday, your grade will be marked as a zero." she explained and then the bell rung. "Have a good day." she smiled as everyone got out of our seats. I couldn't be happier that the bell rang.

I made my way to the lunch room, looking around for Ryan and Patrick, my friends since diapers. I sat down beside them and sighed in relief.

"Hey mate." Ryan chuckled and took a bite of his sandwich. I tilted my head up to look up at him. He was the guy I snorted cocaine with in the bathroom when Lauren caught me. 

"Hi." I gave him a small smile. I looked around the lunch room to see if I can spot Lauren, until I finally did. She was sitting next to Michael with Zoe on her other side and Luke infront of her. I sighed. I missed them all. Except for Michael. The hate I had bottled up inside me for him was growing more and more by the second. I can't believe he would betray me like that. He knew how much I loved Lauren and he knew that when I had sex with Riley that it was a mistake. They all knew that. I was drunk. But let me tell you it was the worst mistake I have ever made.


Finally the school day was over and I could go home and relax. I see Lauren walking towards me with her biology book in her hand.

"Um so about the project. You can come over later, or I can.. But we need to get it done." she said swiftly and I nodded.

"I'll come over around 6." I gave her a small smile and she nodded, walking away to Michael who was glaring at me. I sighed, running a free hand through my hair. I don't know why he's the one glaring at me. I got in my car and drove home. I had about 3 hours to relax before going to Lauren's. When I got home I went straight to my room and threw my bookbag down on the floor and jumped in bed, shutting my eyes. As soon as I felt myself drifting to sleep my phone vibrated. It was from Michael.

"We need to talk." I read out loud and rolled my eyes.

"About?" I texted back, staring at my screen waiting for a reply.

"Lauren." the text read. I didn't even want to argue about this so I locked my phone, putting it back on my nightstand. I stared up at my ceiling, everything flooding in my mind. If I would've just listened to Lauren instead of going out and getting high and drunk all the time she would still be with me. And thats what was tearing me apart. I wanted to fight for her but I didn't feel there was a need to. At all.


I looked at my appearance one more time in the mirror, running my fingers through my hair. I didn't know why I cared so much about what I looked like, I mean, it was Calum I was seeing. I sighed and searched for my phone. 6:03 the time read. I played with my fingers, chewing on my bottom lip. I was nervous. Terribly nervous. And finally, the door bell rang. 

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