chapter twenty seven

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Calum. Calum, Calum, Calum. That's all I can think about. I thought about him so much that I can't even think straight. He's all that was on my mind anymore.

"Babe?" Michael stood there waving his hands infront of my face, Luke and Ashton chuckling behind him. I flinched, laughing aswell. My heart began to beat faster as I spotted Calum sitting with his friends at the usual lunch table he sits at. 

"You alright?" Michael pulled me close and whispered into my ear, kissing my cheek. I nodded. Sure I was alright, I felt alright, surprisingly. They went back to their conversation and my mind wandered off to thinking about Calum again. His lips, his hair. His muscles. I was falling deep once again, as bad as it sounds. Calum noticed me looking at him and smirked, looking back at his friends.

He began to do things that he knew would drive me crazy since he knew I was looking, like licking his lips and biting down on his lower one. And fixing his hair constantly. The amount of butterflies in my stomach grew immensely. 

"I'll be right back." I told Michael who was deep into conversation. He nodded and kissed me, loosening his grip so I could get up. Luke shot me a curious look and I shrugged, walking outside to get some fresh air. Thank God no one was there. I wandered off into the courtyard, looking for a bathroom. I heard footsteps behind me. I rolled my eyes, knowing it was Luke. 

"You really had to follow me out here? He's gonna think th-" I was cut off when I turned around to someone who wasn't Luke. It was Calum.

"I thought you'd want me to." he pouted, looking down at the floor. I smiled. I smiled so widely.

"I thought you were Luke, sorry." I said shyly and his face lit up. My God he was beautiful.

"I was thinking about you said the other night." he said lightly, "I can't stop thinking about it actually." he mumbled and laughed a little. I laughed too. "I like you, so much. You know?"

"I know."

"I don't think you know how much I do. I'm really sorry if I'm fucking up things between you and Michael." he rubbed the back of his head. All the guilt that suddenly went away is slowly coming back now.

"I haven't told him about it yet, actually, I don't know when I'm going to. I just don't want to keep sneaking around." I sighed and he nodded.

"You look really pretty today." he smiled. I felt my cheeks heat up. Out of nowhere he wrapped his arms around me, walking towards the back wall. My heart was probably pounding out of my chest.

"What are you doing?" I said nervously, chewing down on my bottom lip.

He shrugged and put my back against the wall, pressing his body against mine and attaching his lips to mine. I felt his tongue enter my mouth, touching my own. He grabbed a hold off my bottom half with one hand, using his other to place my hand on his neck.

I giggled a little at the feeling of his hands on my bum, earning a smile from him. He pressed his body to mine once again, letting me feel the hard on in his pants. The feeling in my stomach was beginning to stir again. He pulled back and just stared at me.

"You're so beautiful." he gave me a toothy grin and kissed me once again, intertwining our fingers together.

"Calum," I began. "I think Michael and them are gonna wonder where I went." I began to feel nervous.

"Relax baby." he kissed me forehead and backed away. "You can go back if you want." he sighed. He looked a little annoyed, which made me feel bad. I pushed all the feelings away and grabbed his hands, pulling him back to where we were. He smiled and I couldn't help but smile too.

He began to kiss me once again, and there I was, falling deeper and deeper in love with this fucking boy. I heard footsteps coming our way, many footsteps. More than one person. I shrugged it off and pulled Calum closer to me. His body against mine felt so amazing.

"What the fuck?" I heard a familiar voice and my heart stopped completely. Calum froze right in his place, turning around. There was Michael with Luke, Ashton and Zoe.

"It was me, don't blame her for anything." Calum stood infront of me. My hands were trembling and I swear I wasn't breathing.

"Lauren, are you kidding me?" his voice cracked and I could see the pain in his eyes and I couldn't help but feel my heart break. I could barely speak, I had no idea what to say. "How did I know." he whispered. He didn't say anything else after that, all he did was walk away. Not even to his next class, he walked off of the school grounds.

"Luke, I-" I couldn't even think of the right words.

"I told you this was gonna happen Laur, but you didn't wanna listen to me. And you," he looked at Calum with such hatred. "I don't even know who you are anymore, you ruin things for everyone don't you? You piece of shit." he spat and I was furious.

"You told me you understood." tears were filling my eyes already, I was at disbelief. Luke was the type of guy that has never said anything like that to anyone.

"I told you I understood that you still loved him. That doesn't mean you just go making out with him. You knew this would happen." he said so angrily, even Zoe was shocked. I looked over at Calum and he just stood there, showing no emotion at all. He turned to me, a sad smile appeared on his lips.

"He's gonna break your heart again, you know for a fact Michael wouldn't. How could you be so, so cruel to him Lauren? All he did was show you love and nothing but that. And you do this. I'm sorry but if that isn't a whore than I don't know what is." he raised his tone and I saw a small crowd of people swarming the courtyard.

"It was a mistake. You know it." Calum was so angry. So fucking angry. 

"Bullshit." Luke yelled, clenching his fists. 

"Luke, we have to go." Zoe dragged him away and all I could do was sit there. In disbelief. My best-friend of so many years turned on me. Like that.

"Lauren, don't listen to them." Calum sighed and I nodded. I wasn't gonna cry, not here, not now. I simply grabbed my things and walked off campus, heading straight home.



So many things were filling my head right now, none that I could cope with. I was at a loss of words. I sat there, on my living room floor. Downing another shot of old vodka I found in the cabinet. How could Lauren do this to me? I just couldn't understand. I felt more tears slip from my eyes. I was beginning to see black fuzzy lines, but I didn't care. My head was throbbing at this point but all I could seem to think about was seeing them together.

My Lauren. That's now Calum's again and there was nothing I could do about it. I let out a loud sob, throwing the shot glass across the room. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

"Hello?" Luke called from the other line. 

"Please don't leave me too." I felt my heart pound against my chest.

"I'm coming over." he sounded concerned and hung up. I couldn't believe the pain I was going through. All the sadness has washed over me like a wave and seems to be drowning me. I lied down on the couch, rubbing my eyes. I sat up, grabbing my phone and dialing Lauren's number.

"Hello?" her voice sounded soft. My breathing quickened and I forgot why I even called her in the first place. 

"Hi." I managed to get out.

"Michael, I'm really sorry for what happened. I really am. I didn't want you to find out like that I really didn't." she sighed. I began to cry again. This fucking sucks.

"Why don't you love me anymore? Am I not good enough? What does he have that I don't." I said furiously. I didn't even want to hear her answer. I knew it'd make me sad.

"I love Calum." she choked out. My heart stopped beating completely or at least thats what it felt like. I put my hand over my mouth, at a loss for words. "Michael?" she sighed. I couldn't even talk to her right now. I hung up the phone, grabbing the bottle of vodka, wincing at the pain it brought to my throat. My vision went blurry and Luke rushed in, taking the bottle from me. He was talking, but I couldn't hear him anymore. My only thoughts were Lauren.

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