chapter eleven

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I was sat in the same bar like I was a couple of weeks ago, getting wasted. Same girl with me. Nothings really changed. 

"How did your girlfriend take the whole thing?" she asked out of the blue, downing her 3rd shot and gagging as she swallowed. I'm gonna admit, Riley was a really really beautiful girl but she wasn't Lauren. That's for shit sure. 

"Good." I smiled and drank from my cup, the vodka burning my throat. I scrunched my nose. I let out a sigh and Riley locked eyes with me, smirking. 

"That's great." her eyes flicked from my lips back to my eyes as she took a sip from her drink. I shifted uncomfortably and took a small sip from my cup, scrunching my nose again and earning a light giggle from Riley. She dragged her seat closer to me and gulped down the rest of her drink. She took her finger and traced my lips.

"You know, Calum, I've always found you really attractive." her cheeks flushed red and I wanted to throw up. 

"Thanks." I muttered and moved my face, taking a sip from my cup. She moved her face in closer to mine, bringing her lips to the corner of my mouth and then connecting our lips together. My eyes shot open as the realization hit me at what just happened.

"Um, I'm gonna go." I pulled away quickly and walked out of the bar. I dialed Ashton's number quickly and sighed.

"Hey." he said quietly and I looked around.

"Come pick me up by the bar please." I rubbed my temple and sat down on the bench.

"Be there in 10." he said quickly and hung up. I already knew I was in deep shit if Lauren ever found out about this. I saw Ashton's car apear and I sat up as he parked by the curb.

"Hi." I greeted and buckled my seatbelt, letting out a deep breath as I saw Riley walk out of the bar, glancing at me. 

"Drive!" I yelled and he stepped on the pedal. He glanced at me and then back at the road.

"You okay?" he chuckled and I glared at him. I wasn't mentally okay, but psychially, yes. 

"You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you." I stressed and looked at the road. He nodded and I began explaining.

"I met the girl at the bar a while ago and she was being really weird tonight and I think she had to many drinks and she kissed me and I don't know what happened but I felt like throwing up." I said in a rush, flinching at the thought of what had happened.

"Oh damn, looks like you got yourself in some shit." he whispered and I nodded, throwing my head in my hands. 

"Look, if you just tell Lauren she'll understand." he muttered and pulled into my driveway.

"I can't tell Lauren, she'll hate me and break up with me for real this time." I said quietly, feeling a lump in my throat. 

"Just talk to her about it, it can't be that bad. Look, me and Chama have problems of our own and if she gives up then its not worth it. Same to you, you just have to fight for her." he sighed and patted my back. I nodded and unbuckled my seatbelt with a yawn. 

"Goodnight. Thank you." I gave him a smile and walked to my front door. I fumbled with my keys before turning the knob. I shut the door and locked it, walking to my room. I turned on the light and shut my door, eagerly taking off my shirt and pants and laying down on my bed. I grabbed my phone and switched off my light, the only thing shining was my digital clock. The time read 2:43 AM. I scrolled through my twitter, yawning for the billionth time tonight. I decided to call Lauren. I dailed her number and sat in silence until she picked up.

"Hello?" her soft voice broke into a yawn and I smiled.

"Did I wake you princess?" I stared at my ceiling and sighed. 

"Yeah, it's alright. What do you need?" she said untroubled and my heart began to beat faster than normal.

"Um, I need to talk to you about something." I said in a hushed tone and she didn't say anything. 

"What is it?" she asked and yawned. 

"Promise you wont get mad at me?" I said as if I was a little boy. 

"Calum, what is it?" she demanded me to talk and I swear everything went numb, my mouth went try. I felt so shitty. 

"I was at the bar tonight.." I mumbled before I began speaking again, "And theres this girl I met from a while ago. She helped me when we broke up. I didn't know what she was doing tonight and I felt really uncomfortable I kid you not, and she kissed me." I said quietly and there was a very long silence. An awkward one.

"Oh." is all she said, and I honestly didn't know what she meant by that. 

"Please don't be mad it wasn't my intenti-" I spoke but she cut me off.

"Save it Calum." she said bluntly and I felt that same lump in my throat. I tried to push it back but it just got harder to swallow.

"Just hear me out please." my voice was croaky and I shifted to the other side of my bed. 

"I didn't even want to do it, I promise you. I really didn't. She knew I had you and I guess she was just drunk. Right when she kissed me I stood up and walked out." I said in defense. She chuckled.

"Who is she?" she chuckled even more which confused me more than anything. 

"Her names, Riley." I said and the line went silent. 

"She's gonna be one dead son of a bitch." she mumbled and I grinned. 

"Lauren?" I said calmly.

"Yes?" she said, the words fading from her mouth.

"I love you, you know that right? And I hate when you're mad at me." I sighed and put my hand under my head, just listening.

"I know." she muttered and it sounded like she moved. 

"I'll call you back in the morning, I'm tired." I said lightly and yawned.

"Goodnight Cal, I love you." she mumbled and I smiled.

"I love you more." I said in return and she hung up. I placed my phone on my nightstand and took a sip from my water. I walked out of my room and to the kitchen, rumaging through the cabinets looking for Advil. 

"Top cabinet." my mums voice scared me to death. I turned around and glared at her, earning a smile.

"What are you doing awake?" I mumbled, grabbing 2 advils from the small container. I choked them down with my glass of water and stared blankly at her. 

"I heard you come in and it woke me up." she smiled and walked to the fridge. I nodded and kissed her cheek.

"Night mum." I whispered and walked back to my room, plopping on my bed. Life was great. 


not sure how i feel about this chapter

hope it was alright!! 

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