chapter six

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"I love you too." I replied, the words just slipping out of my mouth. It was true, I loved him and I wasn't denying it. I just really really hated what he does. I hung up the phone and put it on my nightstand and bit my lower lip and fell back on my pillows, staring at the ceiling. I smile as I feel myself drifting into sleep.

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, again. I groan and roll over and pick up my phone. It's Calum. Again.

"Hello?" I sigh and yawn.

"Goodmorning sunshine!" I hear Luke chirp into the phone. I chuckle.

"Yes Luke? What do you need at," I stop and narrow my eyes at my clock. "1:32 PM" I sigh.

"Do you wanna hang out?" he chuckles. 

"Um Luke, I'm not sure if thats a good idea seems how me and Calu-" he cut me off.

"He said you guys are alright again, he came into my room at about 4 in the morning, he was pretty drunk. But he said you said something about loving him?" he chuckled again. I smiled to myself and picked at my fingernails. 

"Yeah." I already knew I was blushing. I step out of bed and open my curtains, flinching at the light. 

"So me and Calum will be there in a few." Luke says in a rush and hangs up. A few? Damn boys wont even give me time to look decent. I take out a pair of jeans and a sweater and just throw it on. I brush my teeth and brush my hair out, leaving it natural. I yawn, sitting on my bed.

"Lauren your friends are here." I hear my mum calls from downstairs and I roll my eyes. I drag myself out of bed and walk downstairs.

"Hey." I smile at Luke and Calum. It was still so awkward and you can literally cut the tension in half.

"Soo.. what are we gonna do?" Luke chuckles and wraps his arms around me, I hug him back. Calum just stands there awkwardly, looking around the house. 

"Anything." I sigh and sit on the couch. Luke sits next to me and Calum sits next to Luke.

"Are you gonna talk?" Luke chuckles at Calum and Calum pouts. I love when he does that, his lips look so perfect when he does that. So kissable. I giggle a little and Calum glares at me. I give him a small smile and he starts blushing.

"Can I use your bathroom?" Luke points at the bathroom. I nod and he goes in. Now this was really, really awkward. Come on Luke, get back out here.

"How have you been?" Calum brings up a conversation and my heart starts beating faster than normal. 

"Good, you?" where the fuck is Luke. He needs to come out, now. 

"Good." Calum sighs and starts playing with his fingers. I nod and look at the bathroom door, waiting for him to open it. 

"So, about last night.." Calum starts and I felt like my heart was gonna pound of my chest. And then finally, Luke opens the door.

"Took you long enough." I mutter and Luke laughs. I glare at him and he sits next to me again. Calum sighs. 

"Did I interupt something?" Luke looks at me and then at Calum.

"Kinda." Calum says out of frustration and I mentally punch myself in the face. Luke smirked and stood up, walking to the kitchen to where my mum was.

"About last night." I mumble. Calum smiles at me. 

"I'm getting better Lauren, really I am. I stopped smoking and the only reason I got drunk last night is because I was hurt. You hurt me for the billionth time." the words just rolled off his tongue and all I felt was guilt, because this was mostly my fault. I scoot closer to him and he shifts uncomfortably. 

"I'm sorry." I mumble and pull him into a hug. He hesitated to hug back, but he finally did and I felt his heartbeat go irregular. I let go and look at my painted black finger nails. 

"I miss you, Lauren. And you know what I mean." he just stares at me, like if I was the most beautiful thing hes ever seen. I giggle and I bet you I was blushing. He chuckled a little and pulled me into his side and kissed my forehead. I missed this, really really missed this.

"I miss you too, Calum." I mock him and he pouts. I literally held back my urges to kiss him. He pulled me onto his lap and I faced him, staring into his eyes. His eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips a few times.

"Kiss me." he mumbled. And that was it, I broke. I pulled him by his neck and connected my lips to his. It felt so right, and piece by piece, he was fixing me. The butterflies in my stomach grew stronger and stronger. He pulled back and wrapped his arms around my waste and just held me. 

Luke and my mum came in and smiled at me and I blushed, as did Calum. I got off of him and punched Luke in the arm.

"I saw that." he cooed and so did my mum. I sat down on the floor and hid my face in my hands. 

"It was so cute!" my mum squealed and I glared at her. Calum burst into a fit of laughter and I couldn't help but laugh too. Everything felt ok again, it felt like how it was before and I loved that. I loved it this way.

"Luke come help me finish cooking." my mum smiled at Luke and he smiled back. Luke has always been close with my mom seems how Luke has been my bestfriend since we were in diapers. 

"Hey." Calum poked my cheek and I looked at him.

"Hi." I smiled and he smiled back.

"So does that mean we're together?" Calum frowned a bit. I didn't really know if this was a good idea, but I was just gonna play hard to get. I smirked and he smiled at me.

"Ask properly." I giggled. Calum chuckled and got on one knee and grabbed my hand.

"Lauren, will you do the honor of being my girlfriend, again?" he smiled. God fucking dammit I loved this kid. I nodded and he stood up, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my forehead.

"I love you." he whispered lightly into my ear.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

Everything was okay again. 


i'm really not sure about this chapter.

but yeah anyway enjoy.

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