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Harry woke up to the sound of someone banging on his door. He groaned, checking his clock and seeing it was only eight in the morning.

Harry slowly made his way out of bed, standing and stretching for a few seconds then heading to the door.

"Liam," Harry said after opening the door which revealed his twenty two year old friend, "what the hell do you want?" Liam laughed and pushed Harry aside, walking in.

"Sophia sent me out to go grocery shopping, and I don't want to go alone. Could you come with me?" Harry nodded his head and told Liam he'd be right back. He went into his room and changed into a pair of black jeans and a Rolling Stones shirt.

He joined Liam back in the living room and informed him he was ready after pulling on a pair of brown boots.

The two walked out the door, down the street to the bus stop and sat, waiting for the next bus which was to arrive any minute.

Once the bus finally arrived, Harry and Liam boarded. They handed over some fair then went to sit down.

"Luke and Ash told me they were coming to see you at the pub tonight," Liam told Harry as they rode along in the almost empty bus.

"Said their bringing a friend along as well," Liam informed. "She has a blue eyes. They're kind of hoping she might be your soul mate." Harry just laughed.

"I doubt it," he told Liam. "I don't think I'll ever find my soul mate." Liam rolled his eyes.

"Don't say that. You'll find them." Harry wondered if he really would find them. It had been almost a century since he was born, and he still hadn't found his soul mate. What if they had died? Or lived in a whole other country? Harry couldn't afford to travel. He wasn't paid much to perform at pubs, just around eighty pounds or so a gig. He barely had enough to pay bills and buy groceries. Sometimes he would have to ask his sister for money, which made him feel awful.

At one point, Harry did have a pretty successful job. He worked as a manager at an extremely successful French restaurant that had been started back in 1929. Harry worked there for almost forty years, starting when he had just turned sixteen.

After the restaurant closed down, Harry was forced to find work elsewhere. He started by doing street performances, singing and playing the little amount of guitar that he knew. He would usually come him with between forty and seventy pounds, which, back then, was quite good.

The bus finally stopped where Liam and Harry needed to get off, so the two headed off, walking just a short block down the road to the grocery store.

"So they just opened a new guitar shop down the street from my house," Liam said to Harry as they walked in and began heading down different aisles, collecting food.

"Yeah?" Harry asked, quite interested. Liam nodded his head.

"They do guitar lessons," Liam added. "I know you've been searching for someone to teach you. I think you should go there. It's called Milo's Guitar Hut. Quite a cute set up, it is. Looks like an actual hut, with a straw roof and everything. I'll find out the times their open and let you know later on, all right?" Harry smiled and thanked Liam.

Harry had been wanting to learn more guitar. He knew how to play a few simple songs, but he wanted to know the real deal. He wanted to be able to read music and even write his own. He couldn't find a place that did lessons for cheap, though. Most places were looking for forty pounds a session, and that was just too much.

Liam and Harry didn't spend too much time in the store. Liam easily found all he was looking for, and it really wasn't that much. He was just shopping for basic food necessities.

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