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Niall headed into work at eight AM. Of course, like any other normal person, he hated waking up so early, but knowing he was going on a date with Harry later on in the evening was enough to make him smile. Though there was one small problem... Niall had no idea where their date was going to be. Since he was the one that suggested it, Niall assumed he had to find a place for them to go, but since he didn't know London too well, he had no idea where that place would be.

Niall walked through the doors at Milo's a few minutes before eight. Before him, Niall saw Hayley, Michael, and Louis standing holding a banner reading, "CONGRATULATIONS!" Niall smiled as Hayley dropped her end of the banner and ran up to him, putting her hands on his shoulders.

"Okay, so tell me why I had to find out at seven thirty in the fucking morning from Louis that you, Niall Horan, found your soulmate yesterday afternoon," she said false angrily. "You fucking dickweed! Why wasn't I informed?" Niall laughed, apologizing to her.

"So what's he like?" She asked, removing her hands from his shoulders.

"Well," Niall started, "he's extremely fit. Um.. he's tall, he has gorgeous green eyes. He has cute curly brown hair and a really sexy deep voice. Ugh, he's perfect, like a God or something." Hayley smiled.

"That's great, Ni. What's his name?"

"Harry." Hayley looked at him weirdly.

"Harry? As in the Harry we met the other night? That Harry? Or a different Harry?" Niall laughed.

"Yes, that Harry."

"Ooh. He was fucking cute." Niall glared at her jokingly.

"Yeah and he's mine," he told her, sticking his tongue out. She rolled her eyes.

"And, we have a date tonight. But I'm not sure where to take him. I don't know many places around here."

"I know where you can go," Michael piped up. Niall looked over at him and waited for him to continue.

"There's this amusement park you can go to. Get place for a first date. Here, I'll write down which underground stop you two should get off at." After writing it down, Michael gave Niall the paper, and Niall thanked him, shoving the paper into his pocket.


Niall's shift ended at two thirty, and he headed home to get ready for his date with Harry. Michael told him that the amusement park closed at eight, so instead of going out at seven, Niall called Harry once he got home to change the time of their date.


"Hey, it's Niall."

"Oh hey! What's up?"

"So I have a place for us to go on our date," he started, "but it closes at eight, so I was wondering if we could go earlier?"

"When did you have in mind?"

"In like an hour?"

"Yeah," Harry agreed, "sounds good. I'll see you then." Niall smiled.

"Great. Okay, see you then. Bye."



Niall showered and changed into a loose grey shirt, black skinny jeans, and black vans. He dried and styled his hair into a quiff then brushed his teeth, wanting his breath to smell good. After getting ready, he looked at himself in the mirror and took a deep breath, exhaling loudly.

Harry texted him his address then Niall made his way there. He took a fifteen minute bus ride then walked ten minutes before making it to Harry's. Niall stood outside Harry's door for a minute, going over how he was going to greet him. He finally knocked on the door then waited for Harry to answer.

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