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Louis sat on his couch and let out a long sigh, rubbing on his face as he did so. Everyone around him was finding their soulmates but him. Every night after work, Louis would sit at home and think about who his soulmate could be. Maybe is was someone famous. Or maybe it was someone in a different country. Maybe they had already passed away. Maybe they were going to be born in twenty years. 

He hated wondering. He wanted to find out. He was impatient, and he was dying to be loved. He couldn't even turn on the tv without someone about love popping up on every channel. 

Louis checked the time and noticed that it was almost twelve, and he needed to get to work. He knew he would be seeing Niall and Harry and instantly felt jealous of the new found love that the two were sharing happily.

Louis arrived at work a couple minutes before noon. And just as he assumed, Niall and Harry were there, messing about in the back as Niall attempted to teach Harry his guitar lessons. Louis couldn't help but watch as they sat across from each other, laughing and stealing kisses every so often. He shook his head, looking away from the couple then took his place behind the counter to begin his shift.

Around three, Niall got off work and joined Harry for a stroll around the area. Niall had noticed before how Louis was looking at them both and couldn't help but feel bad.

"Did you see how Louis was looking at us earlier?" Niall asked Harry after they walked a few steps down the street. Harry shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

"He looked... sad. I think he's wanting to find his soul mate."

"Well of course he does," Harry told him. "Everyone wants to. Too bad we have no clue who it could possibly be.." Niall sighed.

"Yeah... maybe we could introduce him to some people with -"

"No no no," Harry quickly said, shaking his head. "That's like one of the worst things you could do. It's basically teasing him. Luke, Ashton, and Liam did that with me plenty of times. And of course, every time, no luck."

"Liam?" Niall then asked. "Who's Liam?"

"Oh, he's my best mate. You guys haven't met yet, but I'd love to introduce you sometime." Niall nodded his head.

"Actually, I could probably introduce you now. Liam's at work, and we could drop by."

"Where does he work at?" Niall asked him as they headed to the closest bus station.

"Burger King." 

"Ooh, so I can meet your mate and get food. Wonderful." Harry smiled.

They finally arrived at Burger King after a fifteen minute bus ride and five minute walk. As they walked in, Harry quickly spotted Liam. He was stood talking to another employee. Liam glanced over, and Harry took that as an opportunity, waving at him with a huge smile across his face. 

Liam noticed him easily and excused himself from the employee, making his way over to Harry and Niall.

"Hey mate," Liam greeted, giving Harry a quick hug. "What're you doing here?"

"Well, I was in the neighborhood and wanted to introduce you to Niall, my soul mate." Niall scoffed.

"In the neighborhood? More like thirty minutes from." Liam laughed.

"It's greet to meet you," he told Niall. "Harry talks about you a lot." Harry blushed while Niall smiled at him fondly.

"It's great to meet you as well," Niall told Liam. "He speaks of you often."

"Good things, yeah?" Liam asked with a nervous chuckle. Niall nodded.

"Of course." Liam let out a small sigh of relief. 

"So if you'll excuse me for a moment," Niall started, "I'm starving, so I'm gonna head over and order. You want anything, babe?" Harry thought for a moment.

"Eh... nah. I'll just pick off your plate."

"And who says I'm going to let you pick off my plate?" 

"Me," Harry said cheekily. Niall rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, yeah."

Once Niall walked away, Liam and Harry continued a conversation.

"So what's the world like with blue?" He asked Harry. Liam was extremely curious since he also couldn't see the color. Everyone, including himself, found it odd since he had already found his soul mate.

"Really pretty," he told Liam. "The sky just seems so much more... clear and vivid. And now I can see the colors on my shirts and pants and shoes and it's just... so awesome. I love it, honestly. Definitely my favourite color. Especially the shade of blue Niall's eyes are. God, they're gorgeous." Liam smiled.

"Aw, my little Hazzy's in loooove." Harry rolled his eyes.


After eating, Niall and Harry headed to Harry's house where they lounged around, waiting for ten o'clock to come. Most of Harry's shows continued to be at ten PM. Some days, they would be at seven, but they were usually as ten.

Harry lied on his couch with Niall pressed against him, his head against Harry's shoulder and arm draped across Harry's chest. Niall averted his attention from the tv and looked up at Harry's eyes, smiling at Harry's focus on the tv. He then leaned up a bit and placed a short kiss on Harry's jaw. Harry's lips curled into a smile. 

"I'm glad we found each other," Niall whispered. 

"Me too," Harry told him, moving his head to look at Niall. He began to lean down toward Niall's face, and Niall knew just what he was doing. So Niall leaned his head up and met with Harry's as their lips moved together. 

"Your lips taste wonderful," Harry told Niall once they pulled apart. "Like chicken." Niall laughed.

"Well, I did have a chicken sandwich at Burger King." Harry pressed his lips to Niall's once more, smiling as he did so. 

"God you're so wonderful," Niall mumbled against Harry's lips. 

"You too."


This is such a filler. Bleh.

It took me forever to update, I apologize.

I'll try to make the next chapter interesting. Because this one is pure crap.

I want to put drama in, but I'm not sure what to put??? Uhggkfsldjksjlds

I'll try to update faster this next time as well. I hate taking forever to update, but I have a lot going on currently. I have school and since it's my senior year, I have to apply for colleges and worry about my education and crap so it's just a lot. 

Thanks for reading. Hope this update was decent. xx

~Tay :*

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