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It was Monday, the day Louis was to leave for the U.S. His plane wasn't to leave until four PM, so Louis had plenty of time to spend with his friends before leaving.

Mr. Johnson closed the store for the day, allowing all of Louis's friends to see him one last time. They all decided to meet up at a nearby diner around ten AM. Of course, Louis arrived first, fifteen minutes early. Then came Hayley, followed by Niall and Harry, who arrived together. Michael and Zai were next, followed by Luke and Ashton, then finally Max. Since there were so many of them, they had to split between two different tables.

"So today's the day," Hayley said sadly, looking over at Louis. He nodded his head in response.

"Um... would it be okay if my mate, Liam, joined us later?" Harry spoke up. "He's always busy with work, so you two haven't had the chance to meet yet, but he wanted to meet you before you go." Louis nodded his head, adding that he'd love to meet Liam.

"So who wants milkshakes?" Louis asked after a few minutes of silence. "I'm buying."

The group spent an hour at the diner, eating and drinking their milkshakes. They were having as much fun as they possibly could before Louis left. After the diner, they decided to visit Madame Tussaud's. It had been something that many of them wanted to do but were never able to. And since it was Louis's last chance to check the place out, they went there to enjoy the awesome wax figures.

About halfway through the museum, Harry received a text from Liam. He looked over at Louis, who stood looking at the Rihanna wax figure.

"Hey Lou," Harry said, approaching his friend. "Liam gets off work in twenty minutes. Where should he meet us at?"

"Um... how about outside of here?" Louis asked. "There's more figures I still want to see." Harry nodded his head, texting Liam back, letting him know to join them outside of Madame Tussaud's.

They continued looking at different figures including Adele, Brittney Spears, Albert Einstein, Miley Cyrus, and Madonna. Niall stood beside Harry and watched Louis as he smiled and pranced around asking Hailey to take pictures of him with the different wax figures. Niall laughed quietly, leaning his head on Harry's shoulder. Niall wasn't ready for his friend to leave. He felt as though Louis was too young to just up and leave. But he knew he wasn't going to be able to change Louis's mind.

They neared the exit soon after and Niall let out a soft sigh. The day was nearing an end, and he sure as hell wasn't ready for the next one.

Harry's phone vibrated in his back pocket and pulled it out, reading aloud that Liam would be there in just a few short minutes. So the lot of them stepped out of the wax museum and waited on the curb for Liam.

Niall was clinging to Harry the entire time, which had Harry laughing. But Niall just loved the physical contact. He had never had it before, and it felt nice being able to openly hold someone's hand and kiss them and hug them as often as they please. And Niall just couldn't help himself. Harry's neck was right there, right in front of Niall's face, and it looked so damn kissable. So Niall leaned forward, moving slightly onto his toes, then pressed a kiss to Harry's neck.

Niall's lips were warm against Harry's cool skin and it started Harry slightly. As Niall moved his head away, Harry looked toward him with a smile on his face.

"What was that for?" He asked. Niall shrugged.

"Dunno. Just wanted to." Harry leaned toward Niall and kissed his forehead, pulling him into his chest.

"You're so adorable," Harry whispered to him.

"Ew, can you two be disgustingly cute somewhere else?" Louis asked, rolling his eyes playfully. The two boys laughed and detached, keeping their hands linked.

"Where the hell is that Liam fellow?" Louis asked, rubbing on his arms. His was cold and ready to go inside somewhere warm.

"Right here." Liam's voice spoke from behind the group. Louis wasn't expecting such a deep voice to answer back, and it startled him.

Everyone began turning around and greeting and meeting with Liam. Louis just stood behind the group, waiting for his turn. He wanted to apologize for seeming like such a dick. He was just cold.

As the group slowly departed from Liam, Louis finally got a good look at him. And that's where his entire world changed. A new color came into his vision. It was dark but also very bright. He had a smile brighter than the sun and his face was covered in scruff.

"You," Louis spoke out, staring at Liam. That was when Liam really looked at Louis and noticed the color of his eyes and how it went so well with the sky that was beginning to light up brightly in a brand new color.

"It was you this whole time," Louis laughed slightly, a stray tear falling down his cheek.

"This is... wow," Liam sighed, walking up to Louis.

"Okay... what's going on?" Max asked. Louis smiled, along with Liam.

"I just found my soul mate."


It took me so long to update, sorry.

I was without internet for a few days this past week, and I almost forgot about updating. Yikes.

But wow, a lot has happened recently. Today I got my very first acceptance letter to a college I'm thinking about attending. Then yesterday I got a girlfriend. It's all very crazy and exciting so yay.

I'll try to update quickly next time. I'm actually very excited about the next chapter so :)

Thanks for reading. Please leave some comments and whatnot. I'd love to know what you think.

And also, I forgot once again that I was dedicating chapter so new dedication today. And if you'd like a dedication, leave a nice comment (:

~Tay :*

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