Twenty Two

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Liam's birthday was in a week, and he still wasn't on speaking terms with Louis. Everyone quickly learned about Louis messing around with another boy, and that almost left him without any friends.

But Niall stuck by his side, much to Harry's disapproval. Niall didn't care, though. He felt bad for Louis, and he wanted to be there to comfort him. From what Louis had told him, Sophia had been a real cunt. Calling him out in public like that was quite immature. Those issues should be handled in private, but Harry had told Niall once before that Sophia had a weak censor. But it still didn't excuse her behavior.

Harry got quite annoying with Niall spending so much time with Louis. Niall was his boyfriend, so shouldn't he be with him? Sure, he was trying to comfort Louis or whatever, but the encounter had occured almost two weeks before. He should be over already and apologizing to Liam. 

Niall liked being with Louis, though, because Louis knew what he was going through. He knew Niall's sickness wasn't just the stomach flu, unlike what he had told Harry. Louis knew Niall was carrying a child inside of him, and so Louis enjoyed helping him out in his time of need. He would get Niall food and medicine to calm his nausea. He would run his fingers through Niall's hair, something that soothed him, and even offered to go out and buy him a heating pad for his belly. 

Niall knew he needed to tell Harry. Louis kept telling him he needed too. But Niall just couldn't bring himself to do it. Harry kept coming home in the best moods, telling Niall all about their writing sessions and mentioning that he had finally set up his YouTube channel, and his management had paid a few small celebrities to mention his account to their followers on Twitter. That had already sparked Harry with a few thousand subscribers, giving him the recognition he deserved. He day Harry even came home, telling Niall that he had met a subscriber on his way to the market and they gushed about how much they loved his voice. How could Niall ruin all of that for him?

Work was also getting harder for Niall. Sure, it had only been a month, but Niall was experiencing severe back pain and wasn't able to bend down and pick things up. Louis would try to quickly join in and help him, saving him from any suspicion to arise among their coworkers. 

"You really need to tell Harry," Louis told him, picking up a box of records and carrying it into the back of the store while Niall followed.

"I know," Niall told him, "but... I just... he's so happy, Lou. I can't ruin that."

"He's happy with you, Ni. The longer you put this off, the worst things are going to be when you actually tell him. He's already going to be upset that you've hid this from him for a month. Imagine how he'll react if you wait for another three or four." Niall sighed and nodded.

"Okay um... I'll tell him after Liam's party, okay? So that maybe he'll at least be in a good mood when I tell him." Louis smiled.



After work, Louis traveled home with Niall. Niall insisted he didn't need Louis to watch over him and make sure he made it there safe. He had been going back and forth between home and work for months. He was used to it.

"Yeah, but you're pregnant," Louis told him, "and I just want to make sure there's nothing in your way. I want to keep you from tripping and falling or getting hurt by another person, whatever I can do to keep you and the baby safe. Niall laughed.

"Thanks." It was silent for a moment before Niall spoke again. "Are you going to Liam's birthday party?" Louis shrugged.

"I don't think I should," he replied. "Sophia might try to murder me." Niall laughed again.

"Don't be silly. How about you come around eight, and I'll sneak you up to Liam's room. Then I'll get Liam to go up there and you two can talk properly - without Sophia."

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