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Louis immediately, without hesitation, called his mum, having her cancel is flight. He told her about his soul mate, the boy called Liam. Of course, Louis had imagined his soul mate to be a female. But he wasn't bothered by the fact that it was Liam. He could just as easily get used to being with a male. 

Louis wanted to split away from his group of friends and talk to Liam in a more private environment. His friends let out shouts and whistled as he and Liam parted ways with them, heading back to Liam's house. 

"I can't believe, after all this time, you were the one," Louis said, his hand gentle latched to Liam's forearm. Liam smiled.

"Like... we could've met before, you know? I've known Harry for quite some time now. It's just... it's crazy. I don't know. I'm rambling, sorry." Louis bit his bottom lip as his face went red from embarrassment. He was just so excited about meeting Liam. He had so many things he wanted to say and talk about. 

"You're cute," Liam laughed, wrapping his arm around the smaller boy's shoulder.

"How much farther till we're at your house?" Louis asked. He had been walking all day, and his feet were killing him. He didn't know how much longer he could walk.

"Not long," Liam promised. "Just up there a bit." Liam pointed forward, his finger pointing at a large apartment building just a few yards up ahead. Louis sighed in content.

They soon reached the steps of Liam's apartment building and headed inside. Louis followed Liam to a lift were they rode up a few floors.

"I'm so excited to get to grow old with you," Louis admitted, smiling widely. "We can go on double dates with Niall and Harry! Oo I'm so excited!" Liam sighed, knowing he had to tell Louis about Sophia before they walked in. He was afraid on how Louis would take it, him having two soul mates.

"Look Louis-"

"C'mon Li, open the door. I wanna see your place," Louis cut in.

"Louis, I have to-"

"Please Liam? This hallway is freezing." Liam sighed and nodded his head, unlocking the door and letting Louis follow him inside.

The first thing Louis saw was a girl. She was quite beautiful, a green eyed brunette, hair quite similar in colour to Liam's.

"Hi babe," she said, wrapping her arms around Liam's neck and placing a kiss on his lips. Louis's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and anger. That was his Liam. What was she doing all over him?

"Soph," Liam said, guiding her over to Louis, "this is Louis. He's uh... well he's my other soul mate." Other soul mate? Louis asked himself. It must be some sort of cruel joke, right?

"It's nice to meet you, Louis," she said, smiling happily as she put her hand out for Louis to shake. Louis just stood there staring at her hand. Liam frowned.

"Uh.. Louis.." Louis looked up at him.

"What do you mean, other soul mate?" Louis asked. Sophia gasped.

"You haven't told him?" Liam sighed.

"He didn't really give me a chance..." Louis stared hard at Liam. Was he actually serious?

"Look, Louis. Sophia is my soul mate. And uh... you're my soul mate. I know it's weird and all, but you've heard of it, yeah? Someone having two soul mates? It's a rare thing, but I do. When I was younger, my mum told me my grandfather had also had two soul mates. And his grandfather before him. I think it's like... a thing that maybe runs in our family. But things can be fine for us. We can all three be together. We can make it work. My grandfather did, so why not us too?" Louis's body was shaking. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was so excited to have found Liam, but was he really ready to share his soul mate with another person? He wanted Liam all to himself. Now he had to share him with Sophia. That couldn't possibly be fair, right?

"I... I need a moment." And Louis darted out the door, running back down the stairs instead of taking the lift. He ran out of the building and just ran. He ran and ran and ran. He had no clue where he was going. But tears streamed down his face as he grew more upset, angrier even. He couldn't believe he had gotten so unlucky. He didn't want Sophia in the picture. It was utter bullshit to him. Why was he so unlucky?

Louis eventually stopped running. He was out of breath and could barely breathe. He took a seat on a nearby bench to catch his breath. He proceeded to pull out his phone and dial the first number he could remember; it was Niall. 

"Hello?" Louis sniffled. 

"N - Niall," he said with a stutter through the hiccups that had just surfaced in his throat.

"Louis? Is everything okay, mate?" Louis closed his eyes tight and muttered no.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked him, fully concerned about his friend.

"Liam... he - he had another soul mate, Niall!" 

"What? No fucking way.."

"Yeah." Louis sniffled again. "It's a - a girl. Her name is Sophia. And.. and she's so pretty, Niall! IT isn't fair. I have to fucking compete with that! What the fuck! Why? W - Why me? It isn't fair."

"Hey hold on. Harry wants to talk to you, okay?" Louis nodded, even though Niall couldn't see him.

"Louis?" Harry said. "Everything's gonna be okay. I promise." Louis shook his head.

"No. No it isn't." Harry sighed.

"Yes it is, Lou, I promise. Liam is gonna love you just as much as he loves Soph." Louis sniffled.

"How long... how long has he like... been with her?"

"Two years." Louis felt a pang in his chest.

"This is bullshit," he utters to himself. 

"It's fine, Louis. People have done it before. Like Liam's grandad. He has two kids from different women and everything is fine. Everything will be fine. Are you still with Liam."

"No." Louis wiped his nose with his sleeve.

"Where are you?" Louis sighed, looking around.

"I... I don't know."

"What do you see?"Harry asked him, running a hand through his hair.

"Uh... there's a pub across the street from me. Says uh... Shay's Pub and Grill. Very bright over there, it is. Um... I'm next to a bus stop. And uh... behind me is a little store. Think it's closed down, though."

"Okay. Niall and I are coming to get you, okay? Stay right where you are. Do not move, understand?" 

"Yeah," Louis hiccups. After getting off the phone, Louis curled up in a ball on the bench. It was freezing outside. His fingers felt numb and his face was cold from the wind hitting his wet tear-stained face. He couldn't wait for Niall and Harry to get there. 



I got the idea for this chapter like two nights ago, and I am so glad I finally had the opportunity to write it. It came out WAY better than I had originally expected. 

So poor Louis. But can you blame him? It must be so hard. But I mean, I'd share Liam with Sophia any day. And yes, I am aware Sophiam is no longer a thing. (Thanks for ruining this fanfic Li. Jk love u.) But I really like Sophiam. They were v cute, okay.

I'll try to update again soon. I hope you guys like this fanfiction. Please leave me some feedback. It would be much appreciated. Remember, my fav comment gets a dedication in the next chapter :)

Thanks for reading. xx

~Tay :*

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