Twenty Four

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Niall waited for Harry to say something, but nothing ever came out of his mouth. He just stood there with his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the ground. Niall's heart was racing. He continued to keep his mouth shut, waiting for Harry to say something, anything.

Harry was definitely shocked. In his head, he was running through what to say to Niall. Pregnant? Can males even get pregnant? How? Nothing made since. And how long had he known? Did he just find out? So Harry began shooting questions at Niall.

"Pregnant?" He asked. "Are you sure? How do you know? But you're a boy, how is that possible? How long have you known? Did yo-"

"Harry." Niall cut his boyfriend off, overwhelmed with all the rambling questions. "One at a time, please." Hary sighed.

"How are you pregnant?" Niall shrugged.

"It's... God it sounds stupid, saying out loud. Um... so I went to the doctor back when I was feeling like utter shit-"

"That was over a month ago, Niall," Harry said, his voice raising. "How could you just keep something like that from me? Does anyone else know?" Niall bit his bottom lip and nodded his head slowly. Harry exhaled harshly, running his hand through his hair.

"Continue." Niall nodded.

"Um well yeah, I went to the hospital, and they couldn't find anything wrong with me, right? So they tried one last thing; a pregnancy test. It came back positive. The doctor told me it could possibly be testicular cancer and just hearing the word 'cancer' spooked me. And they ran a multitude of tests until they concluded I didn't have it. But then they sent me down to the gynecologist. She um... she did an ultrasound and uh... hah, I'm pregnant.

"She said that only a small percentage of men can get pregnant. It's like... something to do with me having like the female uterus and whatever inside of my body. And um... I'm sorry, Harry. I really am. I wanted to tell you, but I've been so fucking terrified. Louis told me to tell you, and I just kept putting it off because I was scared you'd hate me." Harry sighed.

"You absolute doof," he said, shaking his head and laughing. "I don't hate you, I never could. I love you, Ni. You know that. I'm... yeah, I'm shocked. It's really weird and difficult to take in. But I love you no matter what. Do you.. wanna keep the baby?" Niall nodded making Harry smile.

"Awesome. Wow... I'm gonna be a dad." And with that, Harry pulled Niall into a hug, squeezing him tight.

"Can't... breathe," Niall squeaked, making Harry let go.

"Oh sorry, babe," he said, then looked down at Niall's tummy. "And sorry, baby." Niall laughed, covering his face with his hands as he felt a wave of excitement wash over him.

"This is so exciting," Harry told Niall, rubbing his tummy. Niall nodded.

"But uh... what about your singing career?" Niall asked.

"I can be a singer and a dad, can't I? Plenty of people do it." Niall smiled.

"Yeah. Yeah, I guess you can."


The day after Liam's birthday, Liam invited Louis back over so that the three of them could talk. Liam decided that he was going to ask Sophia to stay with one of her friends for a while so that he and Louis could have some time together. He could only hope that she would take things well.

A knock on the door let Liam know that Louis had finally arrived. Sophia didn't know he was coming by yet. She gave Liam a weird look, but he just smiled and answered the door.

"Hey, come on in," he said, taking Louis's hand in his own. Louis was nervous. He didn't want another fight between him and Sophia.

"Uh... Liam?" Sophia said, furrowing her eyebrows and looking between Liam and Louis. "what's he doing here?"

"We need to talk," Liam told her. Sophia nodded her head while she placed her phone into her pocket. Liam and Louis walked over, hands still attached. Liam put his hand on Sophia's back then guided the two over to the couch. Louis sat on one side, Sophia on the other. Liam stayed stood up, looking between them as he prepared what he was going to say.

"So Louis came by last night," Liam started. Sophia looked over at Louis then back at Liam. " We talked for quite some time, and he apologized for all the shit he's put us through. And he also made some very good points."

"What do you mean?" Sophia asked, adjusting her position on the couch.

"We talked about our relationship. And Louis thinks he and I should get to spend time together... alone. And, you know, I agree. We've been linked to each other for four years. You live with me, we do stuff together all the time, and Louis wants that with me, to be alone how you and I have."

"Okay... so go out on dates, do stuff. I'm fine with you two hanging out without me. I'll be here when you get back." Liam nervously scratched his neck.

"We actually... wanted you to maybe go stay with a friend for a week so we could uh... be together." Sophia's shoulders dropped.


"Yeah..." Liam said, slowly nodding his head. "I mean, it's only fair."

"Um... yeah, I guess you're right," Sophia said, agreeing. "I'll call Lena, no big deal." As Sophia got up, Liam smiled and pulled her into a hug, kissing her cheek softly. Sophia headed upstairs as she dialed her friend's number, and Louis was full of excitement. There was no fighting involved. It was simple, easy, and now he and Liam would get to have time all to themselves.

Sophia's friend, Lena, picked her up around thirty minutes later. Sophia said goodbye to the two, hugging them both. She lingered longer on Liam and left a kiss on his lips.

"See you in a week, I guess," she said, waving goodbye as she walked out the door. Louis smiled to himself, glad that she was finally out of the picture, even if it were only for a week.

Liam turned to Louis with a devilish smile on his face as he walked toward the smaller boy. He placed his hands on Louis's hips then pressed their foreheads together.

"So," Liam said, staring at Louis's beautiful blue eyes, "what do you wanna do first?"




I know I left you guys on a cliffhanger last time, so here's a quicker than usual update to make up for that. :)

So I have some very good news, I have finished school! So now, I will be able to update a lot more frequently!! I'm very excited because now maybe I can have this story finished by May, aha.

I'm also thinking about starting a new story. I'm not really sure yet because I don't really have a storyline set out. I've tried to write three different stories on paper, but I never like them. So maybe if I can ever get a good storyline going, I'll upload a new one.

Anyway, thanks for reading! This story has already gotten 35k+ reads! Thank you so much, guys. It means a lot to me. (:

I'll update again really soon. x

~Tay :*

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