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"Pregnant!?" Niall questioned. "But... but I'm a boy! Boys can't get pregnant." The doctor laughed slightly.

"Males can in fact get pregnant," she told him, "it's just very rare. Only about two percent of the male population is able to get pregnant. Here, I'll write down the address to a website that explains everything." Niall sat up and looked over at Louis who was stood looking at the floor in silence.

"What am I going to do?" Niall asked him. "Harry just got the deal of a lifetime. He was signed to a record label! He's going to be travelling the world. This is going to ruin everything." Niall put his head in his hands and let out a long sigh.

"Harry will understand," Louis whispered to him. "He loves you. You're soul mates. Everything will be fine. I know you two will figure out something." Niall nodded his head.

The doctor walked back in and handed Niall a piece of paper with the website address on it then proceeded to hand him his chart, letting him know he needed to hand it to one of the women at the front desk.

"I wrote down that I'd like to schedule another appointment for you in a month," she told Niall. "Well, unless you'd like to abort-"

"No!" Niall shouted. "I uh... no I'll see you in a month. Thanks." 


Louis took Niall back to Harry's. Niall was still in the process of moving in with Harry. He had two more weeks to get the rest of his things from his flat. 

Harry still wasn't home yet, so Niall pulled his phone out from his pocket, ready to call him when he noticed that Harry had called him once and left a text. 

Hey baby, I'm on my way home. See u soon xx

He had sent the text around twenty minutes earlier. He would be home any second. Niall sat on the couch, wondering what exactly he was going to say to Harry. He was extremely nervous. What if Harry wasn't ready for a baby? What if he didn't even want kids? They had never talked about it before. But with Harry's career taking off, there was no time for him to take care of a child. So when Harry walked through the door, instead of telling Harry they needed to talk, he welcomed his boyfriend with a kiss and offered to make him supper.


Liam hadn't properly spoken to Louis in almost a month. He tried his best to have him come over or go out with him, but Louis always had an excuse. It greatly upset Liam. He very much liked Louis. He was his soul mate! He couldn't avoid him forever, right?

Liam was sad. He felt like it were useless trying to get in contact with Louis. He knew Louis loathed the fact that Sophia was around, too, but he had to deal with it. But Liam felt like it was a curse. It wasn't fair to Louis, it wasn't fair to Sophia, and it certainly wasn't fair to Liam himself. 

So after weeks of trying, Liam left Louis be. He decided he would wait for Louis to try to contact him. He didn't know how long that would be - if ever. But until then, he was fine with spending time alone with Sophia.

"Let's go out tonight," Sophia said, trying on the new clothes Liam had bought her. "We could go to the fair! It's only open for a few more days, and I'm dying to go before they take it down and head to the next city. Please, Liam? Please?" Liam laughed and nodded his head.

"Sure, Soph," he said, patting her shoulder. "Put on something cute. I'll go get changed then we'll head out, all right?" Sophia squealed in excitement. Liam headed into his and Sophia's room, grabbing a pair of jeans and a striped shirt. And after changing, he headed into the bathroom, fluffed his hair, then headed back into the living room, where Sophia stood, swaying in a baby blue dress.

"Does this look okay?" She asked, twirling around. Liam smiled and kissed her cheek.

"You look wonderful."

When they arrived at the fair, Sophia looked around in awe at the rides and games. Liam smiled and squeezed her hand, pulling her over to the ticket booth where he purchased them twenty tickets each. It was a bit pricey, but it didn't matter much. 

The two began walking around, wondering which ride to get on first. Sophia really wanted to get on the ferris wheel. Liam really didn't care to and tried to convince her to go on something else, but her mind was set on going on the ferris wheel, so Liam finally gave in, and they headed over to it.

Liam and Sophia stood in the back of a long line. Liam rolled his eyes, seeing that it would probably be at least fifteen minutes before they would even get on. 

"Come on, Soph,"he said in a whiny tone, "let's go ride some other stuff. We can go on here last."

"Liam," she said, annoyed, "no matter where we go, we'll be standing in a long line. Look, after this, we'll go on whatever you want. I promise." Liam sighed.


It was almost fifteen minutes before they were close to the front. There were two more couples in front of them, and Liam was anxious to get on the ride and get it over with. He's always hated the ferris wheel. He didn't really know why, he just didn't like it. He thought it was stupid and an utter waste of tickets. But Sophia wanted to get on, so he knew he had to just bear it. 

One more couple was let on then the wheel began moving. So many happy couples and children sat smiling and laughing. And Liam couldn't help but smile, too. They looked really happy, and maybe he and Sophia could be that happy on it.

But Liam saw something that instantly made his chest hurt, and he frowned. 

He saw Louis on the ferris wheel with another boy. And it wasn't just that that upset him. What upset him, was that Louis and the boy were kissing


Yay, more drama.

But I'm so excited about this story. There is so much more that's gonna happen, and this whole thing is probably just gonna be a crazy roller coaster of emotions. So juts brace yourself. x

Please leave some comments maybe? Dedications go to my favorite comments. xx

I hope you like the story so far, and I hope it's okay that it's an m-preg. Thanks for reading. This story is almost at 30k reads! So thank you so much. And thanks for all the votes and amazing comments. It's what keeps me motivated to write this story.

I'll update again real soon. x

~Tay :*

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