Twenty Three

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Liam was surprised to see Louis sat in front of him. He was expecting maybe a present or something from Niall, definitely not Louis. But Liam wasn't so sure if he was ready to talk yet. And as he went to turn around, Louis stopped him, jumping up from his spot on Liam's bed.

"Wait!" He called out, reached his hand forward, even though he was at least five feet from Louis, much out of his reaching distance. Liam stopped and took a deep breath before turning around to face Louis.

"What?" Liam asked coldly.

"I wanna talk... about um... us." Liam's eyes flickered around the room, trying to avoid contact with Louis. "Please look at me, Liam." Liam closed his eyes and sighed then looked directly at Louis.

"I want to apologize," Louis started, "for... everything. For ignoring you, for dating another guy, for being jealous of Sophia, everything. I want to start over, if that's okay." Liam nodded, and Louis smiled.

"Hi, I'm Louis." He reached his hand out for Liam to shake, making Liam smile.

"I'm Liam." The two boys laughed, shaking hands, then turning that into a hug. Louis missed Liam's embrace. He was soft and warm and smelled of coconut.

"We're not done talking, though," Liam told him once they pulled back. Louis nodded his head.

"Can we spend time together?" Louis asked. "Just you and me, without Sophia. I know, she's been with you for years now, but I want time with you. She's had you for a while, and whenever you offer to take me out, she has to go along too. That's not fair, Liam. I know you love her, I understand, but I want you to love me too. and I feel like I just can't be myself with you whenever you have her there too."

"If you wanted that, why didn't you just tell me that before? Instead of cheating on me and using another guy?" Tears began to prick Louis's eyes.

"I'm sorry, okay? I just... God I suck. I - I'm stupid, and I'm sorry, and God, I wish I could take it all back, I really do. But I wanna try this all again. I'll get used to the idea of Sophia, I swear, but I just want some time with you without her."

"Yeah, okay," Liam said, nodding his head. "I'll talk to Sophia tomorrow. I'm glad you came and we talked everything out. I really missed you, Louis." Louis smiled.

"I missed you too, Li."


Niall was going to tell Harry after Liam's birthday party. He promised Louis he would, but Harry was so drunk and happy and Niall knew Harry probably wouldn't remember anything the following day anyway. So instead, when they got home, Niall let Harry have his way with him.

Afterward, Niall lay there beside Harry, breathing heavily as Harry slept peacefully. As Niall stared up at the ceiling, he thought more about telling Harry. Different scenarios ran through his head. He imagined Harry as super excited after learning about Niall's pregnancy. He picked Niall up and spun his arm, hugging him tightly as he rambled about how amazing it was that they were having a baby.

Then he imagined Harry as upset. He imagined Harry kicking him out, throwing things around the house, telling Niall he had ruined everything. And Niall couldn't take it.

He leaped out of bed and ran straight into the bathroom where he began throwing up in the toilet. And when he thought it was finally over, more came out. Niall began to cry afterward, leaning against the bathtub with his head in his hands.

Niall woke up the following morning with a sharp pain in his neck running down his spine. He groaned, reaching back and rubbing circles into his neck. He lifted his head and looked around, seeing he was still in the bathroom, leaned up against the tub.

He stretched his legs and arms then stood up, looking at himself in the mirror. Niall turned the water on and splashed some onto his face. He noticed the dark circles under his eyes and sighed, shutting the water off then leaving the bathroom.

Harry was still in bed asleep. He was snoring softly, and Niall couldn't help but smile. He went over and placed a kiss on Harry's forehead then went to walk away. But Niall felt a hand grip his own, startling him.

"Where you going, baby?" Harry asked, his voice sexy and gruff. Niall turned around and smiled down at his boyfriend.

"I dunno," he told him as Harry pulled his closer, wrapping his arms around Niall's torso. Niall looked down and saw how Harry's head rested gentle against his stomach, and it made him think of the baby once again. And he knew then and there that he needed to tell Harry.

So after Harry spent some time hugging him, he got out of bed and went into the bathroom. Niall decided he would tell Harry once he got out of the shower. Harry deserved to know, and he couldn't keep it from him any longer.

It was twenty minutes before Harry came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. Niall was still sat on their bed, glancing around the room at different things. Harry headed into the closet where he pulled out an outfit and began changing. Niall took a deep breath, then looked over at Harry.

"We need to talk." Harry looked over to Niall and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Is everything okay?" Niall nodded his head.

"Yes, everything's fine. We just... really need to talk." Harry nodded and finished pulling his pants up before joining Niall on the bed.

"What is it, beautiful?" Niall's heart fluttered.

"I need to tell you something important, like really really important. Promise you won't get mad?"

"Niall, what is it?" Hary asked.

"Just promise you won't get mad." Harry sighed.

"Fine, I promise." Then Niall closed his eyes and took another deep breath before opening them again and looking into Harry's eyes.

"I'm pregnant."




Wow, I finally updated! Sorry it took me so long, I've been trying to finish school and earn money and stuff, so I haven't had too much time to write.

I hope this chapter is okay. Liam and Louis finally made up. And Niall told Harry! Woohoo!! How do you think he's going to react to the pregnancy thing?

Thanks for reading and voting and commenting and everything. I'm really glad people are liking this story and asking for updates and such. It means a lot that people actually like what I'm writing. So thanks a bunch!

I'll update again as soon as I can. I'm almost done with my school work, so I'll be able to update a lot more often once I finish!

~Tay :*

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