Thirty One

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Niall and Harry were finally able to bring home their baby boy. No one came over and no one tried to bother them. They wanted to be alone with their baby, and that's exactly what they got.

Harry set up the crib in their spare room while Niall fed Peyton. He loved looking at his precious baby boy, eyes closed and softly sucking on the bottle in his mouth. Niall's eyes wandered to his left hand were a beautiful engagement ring sat on his third finger. It was silver, a little thicker than a woman's ring, and had a short row of three diamonds in it. It looked beautiful, and Niall couldn't help but admire it.

He thought back to when Harry had proposed to him. It was sweet, loving, and he couldn't believe that Harry thought he might actually say no. There was absolutely no way, Niall thought.

"Babe," Harry said, pulling Niall out of his thoughts. "I'm having fuck-all luck with this." Niall laughed.

"Would you like to take Peyton, and I'll put it together?" Niall asked.

"But I'm... fine," Harry huffed.

"Are you saying you don't want to take our beautiful baby boy and feed him?" Niall asked. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Of course not, I want to feed him. It's just... I wanted to be the one to put the crib together."

"Your masculinity will have to suffer," Niall told him, handing Peyton over. He gave Harry a quick kiss on the cheek then headed into the room to set up Peyton's crib.


It was a couple days later before Niall and Harry allowed people to come over. All their friends came, each baring gifts. By the end of the day, they had two more boxes of diapers, some cute baby clothes, a pack of bottles, a tube of formula, a couple of baby toys, and a four pack of pacifiers.

As the night fell, and they all went to bed, Niall couldn't help but think about his family. He wished his mum and dad could be around to see Harry and Peyton. He wished his brother could be around so he could show off his baby. Niall cuddled into Harry, a wave of sadness washing over him. It wasn't fair that he had to wait so long to find Harry. His parents and brother were long gone, along with his nephew that he used to absolutely adore. Any other family members, Niall hadn't had contact with since he first left Ireland all that time ago.

"You okay?" Harry asked, running his fingers through Niall's hair.

"Yeah... just thinking," Niall told him.

"Watcha thinking about?" Harry asked.

"I wish my parents were around. I wish they were here to meet you and Peyton and all our friends. God, I miss them."

"I understand, baby," Harry said, placing a kiss on the top of Niall's head. "I miss my family, too. I with they could meet you, see how amazing the love of my life is." Niall smiled, a tear rolling down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away and sniffled.

"You're wonderful, you know?" Niall told him.

"Eh, so I've heard." Harry smirked as Niall hit his chest.

"When are you coming out with an album?" Niall asked him, remembering that his boyfriend is now a rising star.

"Well, no one else knows this, so this is our little secret," Harry told him, "but the release date is April 10th."

"I can't wait to here it," Niall whispered excitedly.

"I can't wait for you to here it, either."


New Years Eve came an went faster than Niall had expected. The day started out slow. Peyton woke Niall up around eight in the morning, laughing through the baby monitor. When he went to inspect, he found Harry in there making silly faces at their son. Niall couldn't help but smile fondly at them.

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