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"So those guitar lessons..." Niall mumbled, his heart still beating fast. Harry laughed a bit.

"Uh.. could we hold off on the lessons for today?" Harry asked him. "I uh... I think I wanna spend the day with you." Niall smiled, his face going hot and red. He nodded his head then looked back at Louis.

"I can manage the store by myself," Louis promised. "Go spend the evening with your lover." Niall laughed, nodding his head.

"Anywhere specific you wanna go?" Niall asked, walking out the front door with Harry.

"Is the park okay?" Harry asked. Niall nodded his head.

As they walked, both Niall and Harry wondered to themselves if they should grab the other's hand. Would it be too soon for that? Would it freak him out? They eventually both decided against it, figuring the time for that hadn't yet come.

The park was only a ten minute walk from the guitar store, but the walk there was silent and a bit awkward. Neither boy meant for it to be, it was just weird for them.

Once the two made it to the park, they took a seat on an empty bench under a large tree. Harry placed his guitar case on the ground beside him then took a deep breath and looked over at Niall.

"So how do we do this?" Harry asked. Niall shrugged, laughing.

"This is so weird," Niall breathed. He looked around at his surrounds, now being able to see the color of the ground and leaves.

"The world is quite pretty with green added," Niall told Harry. Harry nodded.

"Yeah, blue really fits the sky well."

"So uh.. let's get to know each other." Niall nodded his heas, looking back to Harry.

"You first." Harry took a deep breath.

"Well, my name is Harry Edward Styles. Um... I was born February first, 1922. The only living relative I know I have is my sister. I've lived in London all my life. Eh... I play at the pub for a living... and uh yeah. I don't know what else to say."

"You're quite an old man," Niall teased, making Harry laugh while he nodded his head.

"So about me," Niall started. "Hm... okay, my name is Niall James Horan. I was born September thirteenth, 1818." Harry's eye widened in surprise.

"Um... I have a few living cousins I know but I don't really talk to them. I've lived all over the world. I was born in Ireland, though. After my parents passed, I began moving around. I've been to America, lived in three different cities there, then I moved to France where I lived in Paris for a while. I lived in a few different parts of Italy for a while, and I lived in Australia for a while. I spent a bit of time in different parts of Canada, and then I came here to England. I've been to a bunch of cities here and finally stopped in London. Wish I would've come here a long time ago."

"I've always wanted to travel," Harry told Niall. "But I mainly wanted to because I figured my soul mate night be somewhere else. I was partly right."

"Should we go on a date?" Niall asked. Harry thought for a moment then nodded.

"That would be nice."

"Does tomorrow night work for you?" Harry nodded his head.

"But I'll need to be at the pub by ten."

"Okay, I can get you there." Harry smiled, excited to tell all his friends about meeting Niall and to go on their date the following day.

"Honestly, I should probably get back to the shop. Mr. Johnson likes to pop in from time to time and I don't want him pissed at me for leaving work. You can come back with me and we can do those lessons you came in for."

"Okay, that sounds good."


Harry didn't get home until around six that evening. He and Niall had a great time together during his lessons, plus he learned a bunch of new stuff. Harry was extremely happy, and after undressing down to his boxers and lying on the couch with his phone in hand, he dialed Liam's number, waiting for him to answer.

"Hey Haz."

"Guess what," Harry said with a grin on his face.

"What?" Liam asked, his voice sounding quite concerned.

"Guess who I met today."

"The Queen!?" Harry laughed.


"Taylor Swift."

"Jesus Liam, you suck at guessing. I met my soulmate!" Liam's end of the line went silent, and Harry almost thought he had hung up.

"Who is it?" He finally asked, clearly shocked.

"You remember Michael? Zai's guy?"

"Mhm," Liam said, nodding his head, even though he knew Harry couldn't see him.

"Well remember his friend Niall? He's my soul mate."

"Wow, that's awesome, mate!"

"Yeah and we're going on a date tomorrow." Harry smiled at the thought of going on his first date.

"I expect to receive pictures of the two of you then," Liam told him. Harry laughed.

"Yes, mother."

"I feel like you're my little son that has finally found his soul mate," Liam told him. "Gosh, I'm getting emotional. Harry laughed at Liam, shaking his head.

"You're such a dork. Anyway, I should probably go. M'gonna make me some dinner then head to bed."

"It's only six!" Liam exclaimed. "How can you go to bed so early?"

"Well I mean, I'll probably like... mess about on my phone or something till I fall asleep."

"You're so weird," Liam told him.

"Why am I weird?"

"Because, a normal person would go out with some friends on a night like this but instead, you're gonna be a loser and stay in bed on social media." Harry laughed.

"Fine, would you like to hang out?" Harry asked him.

"I can't." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Well you're my only friend so..." Liam scoffed.

"I am not. You've got Luke and Ashton."

"I'm not third wheeling with them again. I've done it twice already. Should've learned after the first time."

"Fine, fine. I'll let you go to your food and comfy bed. I'll talk to you later."

"All right. Bye."


Wow, this is a total filler.

Sorry it took so long for an update. School starts Friday, and I had to go shopping with my mom and sister and crap and then my cousins came from Texas, and I've been spending time with them.

This story is, hopefully, going to be around 35 to 40 chapters long, maybe longer. I've got a bunch of ideas for it, and I'm really excited. I can't wait until you guys meet Louis's soul mate. :3 :3 :3

Okay to the boys on GMA this morning was gr8. Louis confirmed he's having a baby fuck I hope it's a girl.

My friend is at the 5sos concert in LOUISville rn and I'm so jealous my babies.

So leave some feedback and such. I've been getting such great feedback from you all and it honestly makes me so happy. I've never gotten so many comments so quickly before. I love it. You guys are amazing and I'm so glad you're liking the story. Xxx

~Tay :*

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