Twenty Six

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The funeral was pretty awful. Almost everyone there was crying. Sophia had no family - well, no family that actually lived around and gave a rat's ass about her - so everyone there was either a friend or coworker.

Niall and Harry sat beside Liam and Louis. Liam seemed to be the most distraught out of everyone. He just cried his eyes out onto Louis's shoulder. Niall felt uncomfortable, looking around at everyone crying as people spoke good words about Sophia. He rested his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry smiled and placed his hand on Niall's belly, rubbing softly. Niall sighed in content and closed his eyes for a brief moment.

The next couple of months were pretty normal for Niall and Harry. They went to doctor appointments and finally learned they were having a boy. Niall was absolutely overjoyed. He had always wanted a son. He wanted to teach him how to play footie and other sports. He wanted to teach him to cook and encourage him to be himself.

Harry was happy, of course, but he was a tiny bit disappointed. He wanted a girl. He had always had this vision in his head of his daughter; he wanted to treat her like a princess, take her anywhere she wanted, read her bedtime stories, buy her bright, colourful dresses, make treats with her, and so on.

It was nearing December, meaning Harry would be leaving soon for the tour. Sure, he was only opening a few shows, but he would be gone until Christmas. Niall wasn't sure if he could handle himself that long. 

Louis wasn't so sure he could stay with Niall anymore. He couldn't leave Liam. It had been almost a month, and he still wasn't over Sophia's death, which is understandable. And since he was in such a fragile state, Louis was afraid to leave him alone for too long. So Niall would have to stay on his own. 

On December 6th, Harry and Niall woke up around seven AM. Harry was leaving to start the tour in three hours. The first show was on December 8th. He was going to having a practice performance later in the evening in Leeds.

To pass the time, the two boys ate breakfast at the diner Ashton worked at. And after a wonderful meal, they went back home and lay on the couch, cuddling as they watched the morning news. Harry rubbed his hand in circles on Niall's belly as Niall sighed in content.

"I'm gonna miss you," Niall told Harry.

"I'll miss you too," Harry promised. "But it's only two weeks. Everything will be okay. I just hate that you'll be all alone."

"I'll be working most days so everything will be fine," Niall said. "Me and munchkin will be fine." Harry smiled.

"Think of names while I'm away," Harry told him. "I will too. Then we can discuss them when I come back." Niall nodded.

"Okay," Niall said with a smile. "I can't wait."

Harry's train left at 10 AM. After Harry was gone, Niall didn't really know what to do. He hadn't spent more than a few hours away from him since the first day they met. Without Harry, everything was odd. The bus back home was quiet. There were only three other passengers, two men and one woman. They were all quite old and sat in the back quietly whispering amongst themselves. Niall sat in the front with a bored look on his face. He just wanted to go back home and sleep.

And that's just what he did. As soon as he walked through the door, he kicked off his shoes and lay down on the couch, turning on a random movie channel that was playing The Proposal, and closed his eyes, listening to Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock's voices before drifting off to sleep.




Hi guys! This chapter is just a filler because I feel terrible that I haven't updated in almost 2 weeks. I couldn't find any good ideas for this chapter so I just wrote this, so sorry that it sucks. I'll try to make the next one better.

Prom is in a few weeks, and I'm so nervous about going. I have such bad anxiety about being around lots of people, especially people I go to school with. But I found the most beautiful dress to wear, and I am very excited about it. I'll try to update again at least a couple times before prom. But there's also a carnival coming to town the week before prom, and I plan to spend most of the week at it, so I'm not sure if I'll find time to update then. But I promise another update will be out soon.

Thanks so much for reading. I would appreciate any comments you have about my story, as they help me progress and motivate me to write.

I'll update again real soon. xx

~Tay :*

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