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Read the author's note at the end.


Throughout the next few weeks, Louis began trying to get used to the fact that he had to share Liam with Sophia. It felt weird, seeing Liam kiss Sophia then Louis himself. But Louis certainly wasn't liking it. The worst part was going out on dates. Sometimes, Louis felt like the third wheel. It was obvious Liam was more into and more comfortable with Sophia. Of course, it was clearly because he and Sophia had been together longer, but it still didn't feel fair to Louis.

He tried to clear his mind of all his problems by going to the pub with his mates. Harry was playing that night, so Niall, Luke, Ashton, and Michael were there too. The others were working, which kind of bummed Louis out, but he was also kind of glad that they wouldn't have to watch him act like a complete fool once he got drunk off his ass. 

After downing his fifth beer, a lad with dark hair joined beside him at the bar, ordering a Gin and Tonic. Louis looked over at the lad and noticed that he was quite attractive.

"Something I can do for you?" The lad asked, his accent clearly Australian. It made Louis laugh a little, thinking of his three friends Aussie friends just across the bar.

"Sorry," Louis mumbled, his voice muffled by the glass pressed to his lips. 

"What's your name?" The lad asked after receiving his drink.


"I'm Calum." He shook hands with Louis keeping a smile on his face.

"You're cute," Louis blurted. 

"And you're drunk," Calum laughed. Louis smiled.

"M'not that drunk," he stated, setting down the glass.

"Your eyes blue?" Calum asked, taking a sip of his drink. Louis nodded.

"Bet they're pretty."

"Oh," Louis suddenly said. "You uh... haven't found your soul mate then?" Calum shook his head.

"You?" Louis began thinking about Liam. Liam was wonderful. He was attractive and sweet and down-to-earth. But then he remembered Sophia, and he felt his blood boil.

"Nope," he answered, taking a swig from his beer.

"Well uh.. would you maybe like to go out sometime?" Calum asked. "I know it's... weird and all, but I'm so tired of seeing all these couples. I'd like to have someone to spend time with too. Until I meet the one." Louis smiled.

"Sure, I'd love to."


After his gig finished, Harry met Niall off the side of the stage. He loved seeing his boyfriend there waiting for him every night.

"You looked so hot up there," Niall told him, kissing the corner of his mouth. Harry grabbed Niall's cheek.

"You missed," he whispered, going in for another. Niall had his arms wrapped around Harry's neck, and Harry's were wrapped around the smaller boy's waist. The sound of someone clearing their throat broke the couple away.

"Oh uh... can I help you?" Harry asked, looking at the older man who was smartly dressed in a dark grey suit.

"No," he answered, "but there is something I can do for you. My name is Daniel Jacobs. I work for Virgin EMI Records. Our label has been searching for a new sound, and I think you might just be it." Daniel pulled a card out from his coat pocket then handed it to Harry.

"What's your name, kid?"

"Harry Styles," Harry stuttered out.

"Come by this Friday around three. Tell the woman at the front desk your name. I'll have an appointment set up for you to meet with Steve Mason, the owner of the label. I have high hopes for you, Harry Styles." Daniel proceeded to walk off whiel Harry stood there in shock. 

"Holy fucking shit, baby!" Niall squealed, hugging Harry tightly. "I can't believe it. This is wonderful!" Harry looked at Niall and smiled, hugging his boyfriend tightly. 

"We have to go tell everyone we know," Harry said. Niall laughed. 

"Or we could go home and have celebratory sex," Niall told him, smirking.

"Huh yeah, I like that better."


LOL what the fuck, this chapter is so wild. XD

Should I put smut in this story? I don't knowwww

Comment here if you would like smut in the next chapter :)

I finally brought Calum in this story jfc

Don't fight me for the Louis/Calum thing I just felt like drama was needed.

Anyways thanks for reading, love you lots. I'll update again soon.

~Tay :*

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