Seventeen (!)

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I'm listening to Cake by the Ocean by DNCE and it literally makes this chapter 600 times better lol


Harry took Niall's hand, guiding him out of the pub. His guitar case was in his other hand, hitting against his leg. It was annoying Harry, but so was the tightness of his jeans around his crotch. Harry hated that they would have to walk the way home. Of course, it wasn't far, but Harry felt as if he was going to release in his pants at any second. It didn't help that he kept thinking about all the dirty things Niall whispered in his ear before they left. He really couldn't wait to ruin his baby when they got home.

The entire walk was just full of annoyance and anticipation. The way his jeans rubbed his crotch when he walked made him want to just rip them off right there in the middle of the street. But that would be weird so Harry decided he could wait until they got home.

They finally made it to Harry's place, and Harry shakily pulled his key from his pocket, barely able to unlock the door. But once he pushed it open, Niall shoved him inside, shutting and locking the door behind him. After taking their shoes off, Harry smirked at his boyfriend, before grabbing his hand and pulling him into the bedroom. 

Niall crawled onto Harry's bed and lay back, motioning for Harry to join him. Harry crawled onto Niall, pushing his hips down into the smaller boy's. Niall let out a whine, making Harry smile in content. As Niall went to speak, Harry pressed his lips to Niall's. Niall roughly combed his fingers through Harry's thick hair, tugging slightly. Harry runs his hands down Niall's chest to his hips, gripping tightly as he shoves his tongue into Niall's mouth. Niall then let out a moan, making Harry groan.

Niall moved his hands from Harry's hair to his chest, pushing his shirt up and raking his fingers over Harry's smooth, tattooed torso. But he wants to touch more of him, wants his clothes off, wants Harry to be inside of him. So he pulls back from their heated kiss to remove Harry's shirt and drops it off the side of the bed. He goes back in to kiss Harry, but he stops him. 

"Yours has to go, too," Harry said, gripping the ends of Niall's shirt and pulling it up over his head. Harry couldn't help but stare down at Niall's bare torso. Of course, he had seen Niall without his shirt before. But Niall looked so beautiful without it. His chest rising and falling from breathing so heavily, and the pale skin Harry was ready to mark up, made him seem so much more attractive.

"Your pants," Niall said breathlessly, "they should go." Harry laughed and nodded his head, getting off of Niall and stripping his pants from his body. Niall did the same, lifting his hips from the bed and dragging his pants down his legs, throwing them across the room.

Harry crawled back onto Niall, rubbing his erection against his boyfriend's, making Niall let out a deep, whiny, moan. Harry loved the noises Niall made; they were so beautiful, and he wanted to hear them all the time.

"Please just fuck me," Niall almost screamed, gripping Harry's biceps. Harry listened and grabbed the lube and condoms he had stashed in his night stand.

"W - We don't need the condoms.. do we?" Niall asked. 

"I guess not," Harry replied, tossing the box back into the night stand. Their first time, they had used the condoms just in case, but both boys knew they were clean. So going without them would be fine, right? Right

Harry took off his boxers, as did Niall, and they were left naked together just like the night a few days before. And Niall suddenly got nervous. They had had sex before, but he just felt weird. He felt self-conscious around Harry because Harry had a much better body than he. His stomach was pudgy, but Harry's tight and so fit. And Niall felt self-conscious. Harry had so many better features, and Niall couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He wanted to cover himself up, wanted to cover his upper and lower body both. 

"Do you wanna... uh get on your hands and knees or uh.. just do it like this?" 

"I'll uh... I'll get on my hands and knees." Harry nodded his head as Niall turned around, relieved that Harry wasn't able to see his most unattractive features. But Harry had really been hoping Niall would lie on his back, was hoping they would be able to look at each other, feel closer together. But Harry didn't want Niall to feel uncomfortable, so he let it be.

Harry drenched his fingers in lube, getting himself ready to stretch Niall. And as his first finger went in, Niall gasped, tightening his body. He had forgotten how weird it felt in the beginning. But after a minute, he relaxed, letting Harry move his finger in and out, before adding a second. Niall groaned as Harry began moving his fingers in a scissoring motion. He threw his head back and mumbled a quiet, "Fuck," before dropping his head back down. 

Harry then added a third. Niall clenched around Harry's fingers for a moment, before relaxing. But it hurt a lot. Niall grabbed his dick, pumping himself, trying to find more pleasure than pain. And it took a bit. It took some time before Niall was able to let go of himself and moan at the feeling Harry was granting him.

"I... you can like... fuck me now," Niall told Harry. Harry laughed a little and nodded. He squirted some lube into his hand and pumped his cock.

"You're sure you're ready?" Harry asked, lining himself up with Niall's entrance. Niall nodded his head, gripping the sheets tightly as Harry pushed himself inside of him. Niall had also forgotten how big Harry was, and boy was he big. Niall wanted to scream out in both pain and pleasure. It felt so good, but it also hurt so bad. And as Harry started moving, Niall couldn't keep it in any longer.

"Fuck, Harry!" He shouted, his eyes shut tightly. That prompted Harry to move faster, smirking as Niall continued to let out soft moans and groans. And Niall was in a blissful place. The pain was subsiding and the pleasure was intensifying. And the harder Harry went, the better the feeling and the louder Niall moaned. 

And Harry was enjoying it too. He was enjoying how tight Niall was around him. And he was enjoying the way Niall would moan his name, and the way he would mutter the word, "fuck," and the way he would throw his head back with his eyes shut tight and his mouth shaped like an "o." He looked so pretty, Harry thought. And he wished he could see him face-to-face. He wished Niall wanted that, but he knew how Niall was. He knew Niall had issues with the way he looked, and he respected that. 

"Jesus, Niall," Harry muttered, gripping Niall's waist tighter, probably tight enough to leave marks, and Niall didn't mind. He was fine with that. It was something that actually really turned him on. 

"Harry, I-" Niall paused, moaning loudly.  "I'm - God I'm so fucking close, Harry." And HArry couldn't help but moan at the way Niall spoke. His accent was so thick, even after moving around to so many places in his lifetime. He still sounded so fucking Irish, and it was so beautiful.

"Me too, baby." And neither of them lasted much longer, maybe a few thrusts. And Niall was the one to come first, and the way he had screamed Harry's name as he released made Harry release without warning, filling Niall. And Niall's eyes widened at the feeling. It was weird, different, but he kind of liked it. Harry pulled out and lay back beside Niall. Niall turned over and lay beside Harry, breathing heavily.

"You need a shower," Harry whispered to Niall after a few minutes of silence. Niall laughed.

"So do you." Harry smiled.

"We should go shower then."


O_O this is so bad oh my fucking God.

I feel so weird writing smut. I love reading it, suck at writing it. Yikes. 

God I'm sorry this is so bad Jesus Christ I'm afraid to publish it.

But you guys wanted smut. Ugh.

I'm gonna kms if you guys hate this.

I'm an awful writer cry.

Imma go.

Hope you kinda thought it was okay???


~Tay :*

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