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It had been a whole two months since Niall and Harry met, and they were both over the moon. They were together every single day and were nowhere near sick of each others' presence. 

Niall stuck to teaching Harry guitar, and after a while, he was nailing all the basics plus some. Niall taught him a few other songs as well, so Harry had more variety at his shows.

After feeling left out from all the fun and excitement of having a soulmate, Louis was determined to find his. He had no idea where to start, but he figured traveling was a good way to go. Niall had seen so much of the world, and Louis wanted to following in his footsteps. Plus, he figured his soulmate probably wasn't in London.

After much thought, Louis decided he wanted to start in America. He had heard wonderful things about the country from Niall, and he loved everything he heard.

Louis had been saving up money for a while, ever since his first job five years earlier. He found out that he had enough money for a plane ticket to America, and with help from his mother, he would surely have enough to own a small flat.

So he went ahead and spoke to his mum, and after much persuading, she agreed to help him out. Louis then went on to purchase the plane ticket to California, which was set to leave in a week. 

Louis knew he needed to tell his friends at work about his leaving. He was going to go in on Friday and quit and decided that then would be a great time. He would have two more free days to hang out with them before his plane left on Monday. 

For the rest of the week, Louis was excited about leaving. He spent each day packing different things, usually after work since he had been going in early. By Friday, he was all packed and ready to head to work and quit. 

Louis stood outside of the building, nervous about going in to face everyone. He knew everyone but Max was in there working. But he had to do it. He was leaving in three days, and he needed to go ahead and get it over with. So he took a deep breath and pushed the door open, stepping inside, ready to face them all. 

"Hey Lou," Hayley greeted, putting her arm around the younger boy. "What're you doing here?"

"You'll see," he replied, walking away from her and heading into their boss's office. 

"Oh, Louis," he said, furrowing his eyebrows up at the brunet boy. "Is everything okay?" Louis sighed.

"Yeah... um... I need to quit." Mr. Johnson's eyes widened in surprise.

"But why? You're such a wonderful employee.."

"I'm moving to the states," he replied. "On Monday I'm leaving. I'm just tired of being tied down here in London. I want to travel the world, search for my soulmate. Have fun... let loose. You know?" Mr. Johnson nodded his head.

"I suppose. Well, we're all going to miss you. Have you told the others yet?" Louis shook his head.

"Was gonna tell them after this." 

"Well... alright. Go ahead. M'gonna miss you." Louis smiled. 

"I'll miss you too, sir."

Louis left Mr. Johnson's office, ready to let everyone know he was leaving. Thankfully, they were all gathered around the register, talking to one another. Louis took another deep breath then approached his friends. 

"Hey mate," Niall said, noticing Louis so close to him.

"Hi," Louis said shyly. 

"What's going on?" Niall asked him, and that's when Louis finally decided to tell them.

"I'm moving to America," he stated simply, biting on his bottom lip afterward as he noticed the surprising stares his friends gave him.

"America?" Harry asked. "Why?" 

"Well... it just seems like everyone I know is happy. Everyone has their soulmates and are starting to age. Here I am... still single and just... not happy, honestly. I'm gonna miss you all, really. You guys are awesome, the greatest friends I've ever had. And I'll miss you a lot. But my plane leaves Monday, and I'm ready to start a new life in the states." Louis looked around at all his friends, almost regretting it afterward. Hayley had tears in her eyes, Michael and Harry were stood looking down at the floor with their arms crossed, and Niall was violently rubbing his hand through his hair. Were they not happy for him? That was all Louis wanted, to be happy.

"Louis," Niall started, "I'm just not sure that's a good idea." 

"Why?" Louis asked harshly. "You did it. And look, now you're with Harry."

"Yeah, but I didn't leave Ireland for a while, Lou. I didn't leave until my parents died, which was quit a while after I was born. I didn't leave as soon as I turned eighteen. It took me a while to go. I had friends and family that were still around. Once I had no one left, then I fled to another country to start a new life."

"Well that's you, Niall, not me. I'm ready to go. I hate sitting here being jealous of you all. It isn't fair."

"You've been eighteen for what, two years? Jesus, Louis. I've been eighteen for two hundred. How do you think I felt? Everyone I surrounded myself with was happy with their soulmates. It took me two hundred fucking years to find mine. And guess what, it may take you the same time. You don't know when you're soulmate will be born. Fuck, Harry wasn't born until an entire century after me. You could be running around wasting money. Hell, your soulmate could be right here in London."

"Why can't you just be happy for me?" Louis asked angrily. "That's all I want, Niall! To be happy. I want to be fucking happy. I'm not happy here. I'm fucking miserable. I'm going no matter what you say, but for God sakes, just be happy for me." Niall sighed.

"Fine. Do what you want. We're gonna miss you, though." Louis sighed.

"And I'll miss you all. Maybe I can see you guys again one day, I don't know. I just... I feel like I need to do this." One by one, everyone went up and hugged Louis. Niall was last.

"M'sorry," he apologized, hugging Louis tight. "I'm an asshole sometimes. I just don't want to see you go."

"I feel like this is the right thing for me to do. Don't worry about me, okay? Focus on you and Harry. Have fun, live your life. That's exactly what I'll be doing." Niall smiled and nodded his head.

"Okay. Have fun. Be good. Don't do anything stupid." Louis laughed softly. 

"Okay Ni, I hear you loud and clear."


So Louis is leaving    :'(     :'(       :'(       :'(

Yes, I finally updated, wow! It's been like three weeks since my last update and I would like to apologize. I would have updated yesterday, but I lost my laptop charger and it was dead, so I couldn't. But I have more ideas for this story now so yay :))))))

So this weekend I'm going to a haunted house... hehehe. I love going to these kinds of things. Halloween is the greatest. 

So I'm hoping my updates will be more frequent now. Because I know where I want this story to go, and I no longer have any sort of writer's block. I'm really excited for you guys to read the rest of this story. I hope you guys will like it. 

Leave me some feedback, maybe. I love comments. They motivate me to update sooner. (:

Thanks for reading. I'll update again ASAP. xx

~Tay :*

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