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Niall didn't go back into work until Friday. He continued to throw up and stay hot while Hayley and Louis took turns coming over and taking care of him. He felt bad, feeling as though he was being a burden on the two. He promised to make it up to them, but they insisted they didn't need anything in return.

Niall went in to work at two pm that afternoon. He headed into the back of the store and put his bag in his locker. Michael stepped out of the restroom around the same time and stopped Niall.

"Hey mate," he said. "I see you're feeling better." Niall nodded his head.

"So Harry's coming in for guitar lessons today, but I'm getting off right now. He told me he was running a little late so he should be here around three or four. He'll show you where we left off. Think you can handle it?"

"Yeah," Niall promised. "Is he... is he nice?" Michael chuckled, nodding his head.

"He's really shy at first," Michael warned. "But after a while, he gets used to you and opens up. He's great, I promise." Niall nodded his head, taking in that information.

"Well I better get going. Have a great day. I'll see you tomorrow or so." Niall gave Michael a goodbye and headed back to the front desk with Louis.

"What's it like," Louis began to ask, "being two hundred years old?" Niall just sort of laughed and rolled his eyes.

"I mean, I don't feel two hundred years old," Niall answered. "It's kind of weird, really. Like... you just kind of watch history change. I've been here through both world wars, and the creation of the Internet. It's really weird, watching it all happen. I like it, honestly. But then... I wanna meet my soul mate, you know? It's hard just sitting back and watching everyone you care about find theirs, you know? Like... I don't have any family that I know of anymore. I mean, sure, I've probably got some cousins or something out in Ireland, but my parents, grandparents, brother, nephew, all of them, they've been gone for years. It just sucks." Louis frowned, hoping that wouldn't end up happening to him. He loved his family too much, and he really hoped he would be gone before any of his sisters at the least.


Harry didn't wake up until one in the afternoon. He was supposed to meet Michael up at the guitar shop around noon to start their next lesson. Harry quickly sent Michael a text, telling him he had woken up late.

From: Michael

It's fine, mate! I'm off at 2 tho... Niall will be here. I can have him do ur lessons

Harry thought for a minute then agreed. He hoped Niall didn't still remember their horrible meeting a few days before. He was quite rude to the Irish boy, it it was only because he was nervous. He was playing in front of a bigger crowd than usual that night, plus he met Michael and his bunch of friends. His nerves had really gotten the best of him.

Harry tried to get ready as quickly as he could. He took a short seven minute shower then made his way back into his room to change. He settled on a pair of white jeans and a dark blue shirt with foreign words written on it. He towel dried his hair then slicked it back, putting a pair of sunglasses a top his head, trying to keep his hair out of his face as much as possible.

He slipped on a pair of dark brown boots then went into the kitchen and grabbed a pop tart from his cabinet and poured himself a glass of milk. He noticed that it was already one thirty and tried eating a bit fast. He slowed down after a couple minutes, realizing his stomach couldn't take it.

Harry didn't officially leave his house until one forty five. His phone was tucked away in his back pocket and his guitar case was held in his left hand while every so often, it bounced against his leg.

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