Twenty Nine

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New Message from Louis

We're in room 308

Harry entered the hospital building, running to the elevator and impatiently pressing the three button at least six times before the door began to close. His heart was racing, and he was breathing heavily. He ran all the way from the train station to the hospital. He didn't think he had time to wait for a cab and get through all the London traffic.

The doors opened and Harry started down the hallway; 302, 304, 306, 308. Louis sat in a chair outside of the room, nervously biting away at his fingernails as he sent a mass text out to all of their friends about what was going on.

"Why aren't you in there with Niall?" Harry asked, startling Louis.

"They took him into surgery," he sighed. "There's something wrong, Harry. Really wrong. The baby... he's coming three months early! That's not good. What if he doesn't make it? What if Niall doesn't make it?"

"You're really starting to freak me out, Lou. Please don't think like that, okay? Maybe I can go in since I'm the father-"

"The other father," Louis corrected. Harry grimaced.

"Yes, the other father." Harry banged on the door of the surgery room, getting the attention of a nurse inside. She opened the door and spoke directly to Harry.

"Sir, we are currently-"

"That's my boyfriend!" Harry shouted, a bit louder than intended. "He's...that's my baby he's having, our baby. You have to let me in." The nurse looked at Harry then back to the doctor in the room, nervously biting on her lip.

"Fine, fine, but uh... does the sight of blood bother you." Harry looked mortified.

"Blood!? Why's he bleeding!?"

"We had to perform an emergency C-section, please just calm down. You can come in, but only if you can stay calm." Harry nodded and composed himself enough to walk in with the nurse. "Put these scrubs on." She handed him some deep blue scrubs, and Harry quickly put them on over his clothes.

Harry felt like crying at the sight of Niall. He lie there with an mask on his face, halfway passed out as a doctor and nurse worked away at his torn open belly. Harry went to Niall's side and grabbed his hand, kissing it gently.

"Ha... Har... Har..." Niall could hardly speak but his fluttering eyes focused on Harry's face, and he smiled slightly.

"You're doing so good, Ni," Harry said, a couple stray tears sliding down his cheek. "So so good."

"Gl... Glad.... Here..." Niall slurred. Harry smiled.

"I'm glad I'm here, too, baby." He kissed each of Niall's individual knuckles, making Niall giggle softly.

Harry kept his attention on Niall, telling him he was doing great and kissing his hand ever so often.

"And he's out," the doctor announced, holding the tiny, delicate baby in his hands. He sets him into a small incubator and lets the nurse roll him out to another room, where they hook the small child up to a breathing machine.

"Luckily," the doctor said, "he was alive. But he's going to be on that breathing machine for at least a month, maybe two." Harry's heart sank. "He'll have to stay here. Mr. Horan, of course, is welcome to stay until your child can be released." Harry looks at Niall then back to the doctor.

"I think that would be best."

"Alright. We'll get him stitched up and wheeled back to his room. In the mean time, you can visit your baby and perhaps give him a name?" Harry sighed.

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