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Harry and Niall eventually found Louis asleep on a bench. The two boys felt bad for Louis. They couldn't imagine what he might be going through. They remembered seeing him so happy earlier in the day, but as they watched their friend lay softly snoring on the cold bench, they could see how broken he was inside.

Niall shook Louis awake, helping him off the bench and into the car. They turned the heat up, warming Louis's ice cold skin. 

"Where do you wanna go?" Niall asked softly, looking back at Louis who was sat in the back seat. Louis simply shrugged.

"I don't care," he answered, his voice hoarse from crying so much. Niall reached back and caressed Louis's thigh, telling him everything would be okay.

"I think we should take him back to Liam's," Harry whispered to Niall. "They really need to talk this out." Niall looked back at Louis again who was staring out the window of the car. Niall looked back over at Harry and nodded.

Harry then drove to Liam's house. Driving reminded him of why exactly he never used his car. The traffic was absolutely dreadful. A normally thirty minute walk to Liam's took him twenty minutes to get to by car, plus it felt so much longer. But they finally made it, and Harry pulled up to the curb, stepping out with Niall and retrieving Louis.

"W - Why are we back here?" Louis asked, his bottom lip trembling. 

"You need to talk to Liam," Harry told him. Louis quickly shook his head.

"No. I don't want to." Niall and Harry sighed.

"We'll be with you, okay?" Niall said, grabbing Louis's hand. Louis groaned but nodded his head and followed the two boys inside. They took the lift up, and the normal 10 second ride felt much slower, as if it were taking hours. Louis's heart pounded loudly against his chest, almost as if it were trying to escape.

"Everything's okay," Niall whispered in his ear, running his hand through his friend's fluffy brunet hair. The lift finally came to a halt, and the doors opened. Louis really didn't want to face Liam and Sophia after what had happened earlier. He felt so childish and stupid.

As he slept on the bench earlier, he dreamed about his relationship with Liam... and Sophia. In his dream, things actually went very well. Liam loved the two very much. He constantly showered them both with affection and compliments, something Louis had always wanted to receive. But then he was awoken by Niall so he didn't really know how it ended. Maybe they did end up living happily together.. maybe they could. 

Harry knocked on Liam's door, to which Liam quickly opened. He sighed in relief when he saw Louis.

"I was so worried," he cried out, pulling Louis in for a hug. He couldn't believe Liam was already showing such affection to him. They had only met just a few hours before. 

"I'm sorry," Louis whispered against Liam's neck. "I'm so stupid." Liam pulled back from the hug.

"You are not stupid, Louis. Okay? I'm sure this is a hard thing for you to jump straight into. I should've prepared you more. Gradually let you know everything, not just spill it all out at once." Louis nodded.

"I'm so sorry, babe." Louis blushed at the pet name. 

"You all wanna come in for tea?" Liam asked. Niall and Harry politely declined, saying they were heading back to Harry's for more guitar lessons.

"What about you, babe?" Louis blushed again then nodded. Liam smiled at him.

"Great come on in. See you lads later." Niall and Harry left, leaving Liam, Louis, and Sophia alone.

"Hi Louis," Sophia said shyly, trying to warm up to Liam's other soul mate. Just like it was weird for Louis, it was also weird for Sophia. She had been with Liam for two years. She and Liam were almost certain that Liam probably wouldn't ever even meet his other soul mate. They planned to stay in London and live their lives together, so when he brought Louis home, of course it was a huge surprise.

"Hello Sophia," Louis said softly, pulling her into a hug. It shocked her. She figured Louis would hate her guts.

"I'm sorry about the way I acted earlier," he said after their hug broke. "It was stupid and immature of me to do. You seem lovely, and... I guess I'm glad to share Liam with you." Sophia smiled.

"That means a lot."


Yay, another update! :D

So what do you guys think? I hope this is good... hehehe

I am so tired, but I got the idea for this chapter and just had to write it. I'm quite proud of it, to be honest. It turned out quiet well.

So it might be a little while longer (maybe not idk) before I can update again. I'm going to try to finish school before I write more. (Which I have like one more course to finish so maybe I can be done within a couple of weeks.)

So I've decided I'm not going to college this year. I'm going to take a gap year because fuck I am so stressed you guys, you would not fucking believe. I've had a headache for like three days now, and it's literally because of stress. 

But I think I really need this. Like I've been going to school non-stop for way to fucking long. Kudos to those of you who can go straight from high school into college, but I'm way too all over the place for that. Plus it'll give me time to write more and get a job so yay.

Remember to comment awesome shit. My fav comments get dedications so :)

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it!!

~Tay :*

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