Chapter Two

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2. Through the Grapevine...

~2 Weeks Later~

Chyna Jones

Work has been going good so far.Within the past 2 weeks, I have earned $700 just for little pictures that I have taken. It was incredible because photography was a passion of mine since I was a little girl and now after everything, I was finally doing what I loved.

I woke up this morning and I was super tired. I was up all night printing out pictures at the art studio, that I even forgot to go home and lay down in my nice plushy and fluffy bed of mine. But instead I woke up on a dusty ass wooden desk with some drool on it.


"What?" I groaned

"Girl get up." The voice said.

I opened my eyes and looked up to see Yana hovering over me. "Yana leave me alone I'm tired." I said.

"But I need your help." Yana said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I need you to go and get and do me a favor." Yana said.

I lifted my head off the table and tried to listen what Yana was talking about. To be honest, I wasn't in the mood to be bothered because I was so tired. But Yana wasn't going to leave me alone. "What?" I said.

"I need you to go and drive up to the Hills and go to this address." Yana said slamming the paper on the desk.

"Why?" I questioned.

"My cousin is getting married and she wanted a photographer to take some pictures before, during, and after the wedding. She wants a full scrapbook full of wedding pictures." Yana said.

"Then why can't you do it then." I asked.

"Because I got something to do and it involves with busting the windows out of my now EX-boyfriend's car." Yana said.

I laughed a little bit and then took the paper. "Fine." I said.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much." Yana said.

"You owe me." I said.

Yea, I promise." Yana said.

I got up off the desk and left the art studio.I drove back to my condo and took a shower waking myself up. Afterwards, I put on a pair of ripped denim shorts, a plum tank top, and a long white boyfriend cardigan alone with my Michael Kors heels. I put my curly hair in a bun and left heading to the address Yana gave me. As I was driving, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I looked on the screen and it was a text message from Stephanie.

Important News! Gotta tell ya, can u come over--(Stephanie 11:50 am)

I replied.

Can't. I'm driving east to go take pics of some people for their wedding. TTYL. --(Me 11:55 am)

Can't wait, gotta tell someone before I freakin' explode.--(Stephanie 11:58 am)

Just tell me right now before I come back and punch ya.--(Me 12:01 pm)

Fine but you gonna regret it making me tell you over a text message.--(Stephanie 12:04 pm)

For god sakes, Steph just tell me please before I freakin' explode.--(Me 12:07 pm)

Ok, Trell and I have been together for a while ever since college was over and 2 weeks ago, I had somethin' special planned for him. So he gave it to me good and shit like that. So I woke up this mornin' feelin' extra weird and shit. It just felt like something was moving around in my stomach and I had no idea what to do. So I went to the doctor and she told me that...--(Stephanie 12:12 pm)

What? What did the doctor say?--(Me 12:14 pm)

The doctor told me that ya girl here is...PREGGERS!--(Stephanie 12:15 pm)

Are you serious ^o^--(Me 12:17 pm)

Yup. I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do about it.--(Stephanie 12:19 pm)

Tell Trell and figure it out together...gotta go...TTYL luv ya.--(Me 12:22 pm)

I knew it was rude to hang up the phone on Stephanie but as the conversation between us was going, I had pulled up to the house and I had to admit that, that house was really huge. I got out of my car and walked up to the front door with my camera in my hand. I knocked on the door one time and then a couple of seconds, someone answered the door and it was the person that I did not expect to ever see in my life.

Tremaine Neverson

"All I'm saying that if she comes then the wedding, is going to be frustrating." I said.

"Yea but Trey, she's my sister." Aiesha said.

"Blood related?" I asked.

"Boy." Aiesha said.

"Babe, I'm just kidding." I said.

"Yea, you better be." Aiesha said walking upstairs.

"The hell I am." I mumbled.

"What you say?" Aiesha asked.

Before I could even answer, the door was knocked on. I popped up to get and when I opened the door, My whole face changed from embarrassed to shocked. I couldn't really believe what was standing right in front of my eyes.

"Chyna?" I questioned.

"Trey?" Chyna said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was the one called to take the wedding pictures." Chyna said. "Are the groom?"


"Babe who is at the door?" Aiesha said.

"Nobody babe." I yelled. "Chyna you gotta go."

I closed the door in her face and ran upstairs before Aiesha thought something would be wrong. I didn't want my old life interfering with my new one although, seeing Chyna was great and all I didn't want the past to be my future. It was weird to see Chyna after so many years and I couldn't believe that she was there. I felt like it was a dream.

Note: Sorry for not uploading in 2 days. I'm on vacation now and the only access I have to a computer is over my grandma house and I might not be able to upload this weekend unless I do it over my phone. So I'm trying to upload as many chapters so things can start getting juicy. Anyways, y'all know what to do:



Without A Woman  ( Trey Songz )   {ON HOLD}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя