Part 2: Chapter Two

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2. 99 Problems

Stephanie Santiago

This morning there was only one thing on my mind...Trell. A couple of days ago, I suggested that we move into a bigger place for Aria. But he just completely shut me out and I didn't understand why. Since then, I haven't been able to sleep and with Aria becoming even more active sleep is overrated.

I didn't know what time it was but I looked over at Trell who was fast asleep peacefully. He's lucky I don't beat his ass right now. But just the sight of him disgusted me so I went to check on Aria. I smiled and watched her as she slept peacefully and was so innocent. I walked away and went into the kitchen making coffee.

"What are you doing up?" I looked up and saw Trell.

"Couldn't sleep." I said.

"Babe, you work too hard." Trell said.

"Being a parent is a job and sometimes there has to be sacrifices." I explained.

"I know but sometimes you gotta take time for yourself. I mean ever sincr we brought A home, you've been going left to rignt non-stop." Trell said.

"She's my daughtet Trell! I'm gonna take care of her no matter what so don't make me feel guilty about it!" I said getting a little louder.

"I'm not saying that. Look you're tired, go back to bed and try getting some sleep." Trell suggested.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes.

I went upstairs and closed the door behind me. I still had the hunch that Trell was still hiding something from me, but if he wasn't going to tell me then I was going to have to find out. I looked through everything in the bedroom to try and find out  what was going on. I was jusr about to give up when I saw this paper with a name on it. Farrah Anderson. Who the fuck was Farrah Anderson?

On the paper, there was a number. I grabbed my phone and dialed it. It rang a couple of times and then someone answered.


"Yes is this Farrah Anderson?" I asked.

"Yes." Farrah admitted.

"My name is Stephanie and I was wondering if you knew a person named Trell." I asked.

"Trell? Sorry miss I don't know anyone by that name." Farrah said.

"Ok thanks." I said hanging up.

I sat on my bed and was speechless. Was Trell cheating on me? How could he do this, I mean for god sakes we have a child together? The next thing, I knew tears began streaming out of my eyes blinding my vision. I was too upset to even process what I just found out. Was there no trust? There were just too many questions that needed to be answered.

Kate Rodriguez

Being here wasn't where I wanted to be. But it seemed like I needed to be here to confront my problems. I knocked on the door and soon enough Alex answered the door. He said nothing and just let me in. My heart was pounding and I didn't have the right words to say.

"You want something to drink?" Alex asked.

"No I'm fine." I said. "You know why I'm here right?"

"Nah. I don't know why you here?" Alex said.

"Alex what do you want me to say? I'm sorry for acting shady and being in the wrong." I said.

Alex scoffed a little. "You think I'm mad at the fact you didn't want to go out with me. Nah, it's just that you are so blind to the fact that you believe that he still loves you."

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. But go ahead and do whatever you want cause I'm done trying to impress you. I'm done trying to protect you. I'm done altogether Kate." Alex said.

"Alex I want us to be friends." I said.

"Whatever." Alex said going to sit on his couch.

I shook my head and couldn't believe what just happened. I rolled my eyes and left Alex's house. I got in my car and went back home. I opened the door and found clothes everywhere not knowing what the hell was going on.

"Keem!" I yelled.

No answer.


Still no answer.

I went upstairs and searched for him but he was no where to be found. I gave up and went into my bedroom and that's when I saw Hakeem and someone else in my bed.

"You have got to be kidding me?" I yelled.

"Shit!" Keem said. "Kate, look..."

"I don't want to hear it, just get out." I said. "Matter fact, I'll leave."

I said nothing else and just left. There was no where else for me to go, so I checked into a hotel and stayed there. I couldn't believe my personal life was crashing down. I thought getting my life together would make things a little bit easier.

Why is everything in place when its really not?

~Later That Night~

Stephanie Santiago

The name Farrah Anderson stuck in my head all day. I couldn't bare to look at Trell. He was cheating on me with some strange woman. She could've given him a disease. He couldn't affected Aria or me for that matter. Why was this happening? 

Trell was putting Aria to sleep so I snuck away and went into the kitchen and had a shot of Tequila. Trell came in a fee seconde later and saw what I was doing.

"What are you doing?" Trell asked.

"Shitting, what's it look like?" I said.

"Steph what's going on with you? I mean you've been acting weird all day." Trell said.

"I'm fine." I said taking another shot.

"Steph I know when you're lying to me. Come on tell me what's going on." Trell begged.

I took a deep breath and contemplated on whether or not I should tell him. But if I didn't then, I would explode. "I know." I said.

"Know what?" Trell questioned.

"I know what you did and who you did it with." I explained.

"What are you talking about?" Trell questioned.

"Damn it Trell, I know you're cheating on me!" I yelled. 

Trell laughed in my face not realizing that I was being completely serious.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?" I asked.

"Its funny that you would think that I would cheat on you." Trell said.

"Then who is Farrah Anderson?" I questioned.

Trell said nothing and put two boxes on the counter. I looked at it and my heart began to pound like crazy. I grabbed the one on the left and opened it. It was a key.

"Farrah Anderson is the real estate agent, I've been looking for a house for us. I'm not cheating on you Steph, I'm hiding this huge secret from you because I wanted to surprise you." Trell explained.

"And the other box?" I questioned.

"Open it." Trell said.

I grabbed the box and opened it and saw that it was a ring. My eyes fluttered and looked up and saw Trell on his knee. "Oh my god!" I said.

"Stephanie Nicole Santiago will you marry me?"


I hugged Trell so tight and couldn't believe that he propsed. I was so happy and relieved that he wasn't cheating on me. I even told him that I was sorry. This really was a good day.

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