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"You... you knew about this?" Ginny stuttered, after finding herself back in Dumbledore's office. The Headmaster opened his mouth to speak, but the youngest Weasley continued bluntly.

"You're why Draco and I were placed together in Potions... why we became friends... why we fell in..." Ginny's almost black eyes suddenly blazed. "What were we to you?! The Chosen Ones? Two students you shoved together, to destroy Voldemort, without even considering our feelings, emotions, our pain? WE WERE NOT YOUR WEAPONS!"

The silence after her scream seemed almost louder than Ginny's outburst. Attempting to stifle her shaking, Ginny began to pace, holding her hair as if she wanted nothing more than to rip it out.

"Miss Weasley... please. Sit down. There is a lot I have to explain to you, and a lot to apologise for."

As Ginny looked up, she almost gasped to discover that Dumbledore looked as if he'd aged twenty years. The lines across his face painted maps of his past, and the dark sagging under his eyes told a lifetime of sorrow. If Ginny wasn't feeling so broken and sorry for herself, she might've pitied her elder. She met his sapphire eyes slowly, and replied flatly, all emotions drained, "I'd rather stand."

"Very well." Dumbledore murmured quietly. "First of all, Miss Weasley, I must make you understand. You and Draco Malfoy were not our weapons, and we didn't see you as such ever, not for one moment. You must understand, that I am... very... selfish."

Ginny frowned and sat down carefully. Seemingly encouraged by Ginny's participation in the conversation (no matter how small), Dumbledore continued.

"I knew that Voldemort had to be stopped. I knew how he could be stopped. I knew which two...excellent students were capable. Even though they were raised as enemies, I had... I had to try."

"So... our duel. Which Snape came across, and punished Draco and I for. That led us to be locked in that classroom together. That was you? Were you the puppeteer, and we your puppets?"

"No! Miss Weasley- no! I had an entire plan to lead you to defeat Voldemort. A plan which barely involved you and Draco together! Never did I dream that two students from your families would... would..."

"Fall in love."


"But I still don't understand. The classroom-"

"Alas, the classroom! Draco and yourself started that duel, and it was Draco and yourself who ended up in that classroom. I merely... locked it."

"So Draco and I..."

"Your relationship was entirely yours. I had no hand in it. Your love was true, and-"

Ginny stood suddenly. "Professor, please don't tell me about the relationship I had with Draco. Let me tell you." She closed her eyes, and spoke.

"Draco was the truest form of light that I had ever seen. Draco awoke, in me, a warrior, who was determined to fight, side by side with him. He helped me as much as he could, and I him. We both struggled with our lives, our futures, our fates, but by sharing our struggles with each other, we found solace. We formed a forbidden bond. And even though he... isn't with me, I still feel him."

Ginny walked towards the door, before turning once more. "Professor, thank you for explaining your reasons. But truth be told, I don't need to hear anymore. I'm content with my memories, and they are all I need. Goodbye, Professor."

Before Ginny disappeared around the Griffin statue, Dumbledore cried, "After all this time?"

A shadow of a tear in Ginny's eye was the last that Dumbledore would ever again see of Ginevra Weasley as she turned for the last time and whispered,


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