Flying Portraits

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Ginny mumbled against Draco's chest.

"Hm?" Draco murmured back, stroking her soft curls lightly.

"I love you," Ginny repeated quietly, staring at a small, almost invisible mole on the side of his cheekbone.

"I love you too," Draco said shortly, firmly kissing Ginny on the forehead and holding her close.

They had been locked in a comfortable embrace for half an hour, interrupted with tender kisses and warm sighs.

"Being with you, right now-" Ginny began, in a stronger voice, "is exactly where I belong. And- and Hermione shouldn't-"

"Don't even think about Granger," Draco interrupted, "she looks like she can keep a secret."

"Yes, but-"

Ginny whizzed around from Draco's grasp at the sound of speeding footsteps. Somebody was running through the abandoned classroom corridor, and their pace sounded angry.

"Shit!" Draco hissed, as he shot up, pulling Ginny with him. "We have to get out of here, now!"

"But where?!" Ginny cried, fumbling for their robes on the ground (which they were using as makeshift cushions). After locking her eyes with everything in the classroom and being satisfied that everything that indicated their presence was in her hand, Ginny nodded at Draco. "Okay, where to?"


They both fell flat to the ground as a dark shadow passed the door of their classroom. Ginny's shaky breath matched the uneasy beat of Draco's heart. She looked at him fearfully, as the consequences of somebody finding them jolted through her mind.

Draco shook his head slightly to her, and laid his head flat against the floor. Ginny copied him. They were only meters away from whoever was on the other side of the door.

"Oh, hello Harry," they heard a soft, dreamy voice say. "You were running very fast. The paintings and portraits must have been flying around you."

Ginny's mouth dropped open as Draco's wide eyes met hers.

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