A Selfish Gift-Giver

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With this letter is an owl, who delivered this letter to you. He's yours to keep. Waiting for your letters with the Hogwarts-owls test my patience. This way, I'll get your letters within hours. He's been specially trained to speedily-send and -receive.



Owls are expensive! Thank you for the gesture, but I can't accept this!

Ginny x


What gesture? And don't worry about the price, I have more than enough money.

This "gesture" is benefiting me, not you. I dislike waiting days for your letters.



Oh you are so typical. I think you're giving me a wonderful gift, and it isn't even for me.  Stupid Malfoy. But whatever, it makes me feel a little better having this owl, knowing that you technically spent the money on yourself, not on me. I don't like money being spent on me. What shall I call my owl?



Stupid Malfoy? Whatever.

Why don't you like money being spent on you? Call him whatever, I honestly don't care. Oh, I forgot to ask you. So how did you know that the classroom door was locked from the outside?



When you're raised without a lot of money, you feel guilty when a lot of money is spent on you. You wouldn't understand.

I knew that the door was locked from the outside because two of my six brothers are Fred and George. They have taught me pretty much everything I know to do with getting out of detention in locked classrooms.

I'm gonna call my owl Darco.



Darco? Really?

And you're right, I wouldn't understand. Anyway, I gave you the stupid owl for a reason, I wanted to discuss the Soshry situation, and obviously we can't talk face to face.

I can't imagine having siblings.



Yes, really. I like the name. And yeah, I want to talk to you too about that. Well, I just want to talk to you.  I'd really like to see you. Listen, about the Soshry thing, obviously somebody in the dungeon had a grudge against Soshry, and wanted him to pay for something. I know you're gonna flip out, but I'd like to talk to Harry about it. If somebody used Dark magic around me, he needs to know.

You're not missing out on much, Dray. You're far too interesting by yourself.

Ginny x


You want to bring POTTER into this? He's a prick!


p.s. There's a place near the Slytherin locker rooms that we can meet up.

p.p.s. of course I'm interesting.


I know how you feel about him, I KNOW. But Harry has to know, and I will tell him. There's a pretty good chance he already knows something about it, and my brother and Hermione probably know about it too. Yes, let's meet, soon.


p.s. cringe.


I can see that you've made your mind up about seeing Potter, and I can't stop you anyway. Tell me what he says, okay? About Weasley and Granger, there's something I just remembered about them. I'll let you know if it's important.


p.s. it's a date.

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