Many Miscalculations

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"No, Ginny said, shaking her head. "It isn't-"

"Ginny," Weasley said, turning, "we know it's hard to believe that such a git-"

"I'm not a git." Draco said shortly, stepping gracefully out of the locker.

He was met by two shocked expressions, one confused expression and one amused one.

"Wha..." Hermione and Ron uttered, dazed, both stepping backward. Potter, however, remained in the corner of the room as he always was, staring at Ginny disbelievingly as if he couldn't believe what was happening.

"Ginny," Potter said sharply, the first word he said during the entire conversation.

Ginny ripped her gaze off Draco's face, to turn to Harry. "Harry?"

"Explain yourself." Malfoy glanced at Potter's fuming expression, and swiftly stepped in between Ginny and Harry. He gently pushed down on Ginny, and took out his short, stubby wand.

"Obliviate," Draco murmured, to the trio. They all sat down where they were, dazed.

Chuckling, Draco turned to Ginny's dumbfounded expression. "I just wanted to see what they'd do!"

"Oh, get back in your locker," Ginny growled, slapping Draco's arse as he climbed back in. He smirked as he settles back into his spot.

"Anyway, Hermione, what were you saying about Draco wanting to kill me?" Ginny recovered. Hermione looked up at Ginny dizzily, before shaking her head and continuing. Potter and Weasley did the same, as they sat on the bench opposite Ginny.

"Yes... well.. um.."

Sighing, Ginny interrupted, "It isn't Draco, it just isn't. It must be someone else."

"Okay..." Ron began, "If you say so, but that-"

"Why are you calling him Draco?" Harry asked, narrowing his eyes. Draco felt a bout of satisfaction when he realised that Potter was jealous of him.

"Because I don't want to confuse him with his father," Ginny replied smoothly. Draco had to give her props for having such a cool head when being confronted. "If I said Malfoy, it could mean him, or Lucius. I'm just trying to save time and confusion."

"Anyway..." Granger intervened, "how can you be sure that it isn't Mal-Draco? We're done a lot of research-"

"Well, you must have many miscalculations, 'cause it isn't him. But on your sheet, it mentioned Evenry Valance?"

"Yes, Evenry," Hermione, Harry and Ron nodded, seemingly have forgotten about Draco altogether as they focused on the next suspect. When explaining their theories, the trio finished each others sentences, added to each other and summed up each theory. They seemed like a three-piece puzzle.

" it must be Evenry," Potter concluded, readjusting his glasses and nodding. "Thanks, Gin, you've been a good help."

"And that's why you need to tell me what you're plotting, okay? Don't keep me safe."

"Okay," Hermione promised, grinning. Ginny didn't grin back, and Draco found that amusing.

"Now, about you, and Snape, and the dangerous mission with Dumbledore?"

"Ah." Weasley said. "About that..."

"Frankly," Potter interrupted, "I have no idea how you even know about that. But we can't tell you anything unfortunately."

"I understand," Ginny sighed, surprising Draco. He expected her to have a fit over not being involved in the trio's schemes.

"Anyway," Potter said, "We have to go."

"Yeah, okay." Ginny said, as the trio left.

"Well," Draco said, stepping out of the locker. "That was awkward."

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