An Unlikely Partnership

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"Ouch!" Draco growled, as he banged his head for the fifth time as he and Potter crawled through the underground. He heard Potter snicker, and bit down a nasty remark. He was here for Ginny, and wasn't about to insult his...partner, who was aiding in saving her.

"Where is this heading, Potter? You're not going to kidnap and molest me, are you?"

Potter barked out a laugh, and then suddenly threw his hand over his lips, as if he couldn't believe he laughed.

"Don't flatter yourself, Malfoy," he replied dryly as they continued to crawl. "and this tunnel leads to the Shrieking Shack. Dumbledore and I think that's where Valence is hiding, and I wouldn't be suprised if she wasn't surrounded by Death Eater pals."

Draco flinched slightly at the harsh tone Potter used when he mentioned Death Eaters, but then mentally reprimanded himself; why would Potter not hate Death Eaters?!

"Who else knows about this... passage way?"

"A select few. And don't get any ideas, Malfoy," Potter warned, pausing. Draco nearly head-butted him. Literally. "the passage way is guarded at all times. So don't-"

"Yeah, yeah," Draco interrupted, sighing. "I get it."

They lapsed into a silence. The only sounds that they could hear were eachother's grunts and the sound of movement as they continued to crawl. Before Draco could open his mouth to ask how long the tunnel was, Potter began speaking.

"l could have caught her, you know." he mumbled. Draco, too shocked to reply, remained silent. "I could've, and should've. But I didn't." Draco heard the pain and anguish in Potter's broken voice, and almost felt sorry for him.

"So... why didn't you?" Draco awkwardly replied. He fidgeted while he crawled, uncomfortable with the conversation. He dreaded the moment where Potter would ask Draco why he saved her.

"I don't know." Potter replied degectedly.

Remembering what Blaise had said, Draco offered, "Was it because you thought that there was nothing you can do? That she was already dead?"

Potter coughed before replying. "I don't... maybe. I don't know. But I should have caught her. It should've been me." Draco could feel the question rising, so quickly changed the subject.

"Are we there yet?" he asked, and Potter snorted.

"Almost. We just have to pass.. ah, here."

They reached a small opening, still underground, but large enough to stand in. Draco held back a groan as he stretched his cramped muscles.

Potter pointed to a trapdoor above them that Draco hadn't noticed.

"Wands up," Potter murmured, and the Slytherin and Gryffindor Seekers burst through the door.

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