The Lion and the Serpent

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"Students and professor's, please, be seated. It is time for our final duel, the duel which will decide which House wins the House Cup!"

Gasps and cheers echoed through the Great Hall, as the students lined around the edges screamed in shock and delight. Artfully arranged, the House tables framed the surrounding walls of the Great Hall, leaving the centre a perfect square. A perfect arena.

Albus Dumbledore's voice rang once more throughout the hall. "Introducing, Harry Potter, the lion of Gryfffindor!"

Harry walked slowly to the centre of the arena, smiling sheepishly at the congregation of giggling girls screeching his name. He waved at Ron and Hermione, who excitedly waved back and hooted. "Thrash him, mate!" Ron yelled.

Shaking his head disdainfully at the crowd, Draco stood in the shadows, sighing. He was surrounded by a group of Slytherins, boasting excitedly about how they already knew they would win the House Cup. They shot Draco with useless advice, e.g. "Just aim for that stupid scar!" "Kill him, no one would care!" "Make him disappear, it'd do us all a favour!" There was only one voice Draco ached to hear, and she was on the opposite side, coated in gold and burgundy.

"...And Draco Malfoy, the serpent of Slytherin!"

There were less boo's then Draco had expected as he stalked to the centre of the stage. Of course, Slytherin were roaring with lavish, but Draco noticed some Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws clapping politely. He also noticed with a hidden grin, that two Gryffindoors were also clapping, if not quietly. One had the skin of caramel and raven-coloured hair, the other an alabaster red-haired beauty.

Draco nodded quickly at the former, and stared at the latter. I don't know what's going to happen tonight, but I need you to know that I'm going to try, his gaze said.

I'll be here for every second of it, her chocolate eyes said, as they watered and fearfully stared back. And I'll be by your side for every second of every day after.

"And... shake!" Madame Hooch yelled, as she stood between the red and green-dressed.

They shook hands, eyes blazing. I need to beat you, emerald eyes spoke. I'm not here to kill you, grey eyes replied, as they steadily stared ahead.

"Places, duellers!" Dumbledore called cheerfully, with a slight shake that only two students heard. Alarmed at his tone, Draco's head shot around to face his Headmaster. Professor stared back, with an air of sadness and regret. Draco was shocked to see tears in his Headmaster's eyes as their gazes met. He senses something will happen, Draco realised. He turned quickly to see if Ginny had realised the same. As his silver eyes stared into her bronze ones, she nodded, biting her lip.

Suddenly, her mouth became a radiant smile as she tucked her scarlet locks behind her ears, to reveal a pair of stunning emerald orchid earrings, the exact shade of the duelling robe Draco was wearing. He bit his lip to keep from smiling. She opened her present the night before the duel, just as I asked. She blinked and clenched her jaw determinedly as she nodded slowly at Drack again, only with a different, intimate meaning. Mirroring her movements, Draco stood in his required section and raised his wand.

"And... Begin!"

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