Relaxed Aquaintances

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Draco found himself sitting on his bed in his dormitory, his head in his hands.

Blaise Zabini sat across him, silent, watching.

After Ginny was carried away (to the Hospital Wing, presumably), a strong arm draped in dark green firmly held onto Draco's forearm and dragged him away. Draco, numb and shaken, allowed himself to be taken, not caring who the strong arm belonged to.

Five minutes of stairs and flat surfaces and archways, Draco ended up being gently but firmly pressed onto his bed, and his saviour sitting opposite him.

Patiently waiting for Draco to speak, Blaise lounged back, seemingly relaxed- given the circumstances.

Blaise was almost a complete opposite to Draco. With tan caramel skin and dark, almost back hair, Blaise was the figure of an Amazonian or Greek God, while Draco was the figure of an Angel, or a Celestial God. Blaise and Draco were almost equally attractive, with the same amount of attention from the girls. Blaise stood one inch higher than Draco.

"Thanks," Draco said in a strangled voice, raising his head from his shaking hands.

"For saving you from the crowds, begging to know why you saved a Weasley?" Blaise smirked the signature Slytherin smirk, opting a high-pitched voice when imitating the screaming crowds. "No problem."

Glancing at Blaise, Draco had never felt so thankful for his... acquaintance. Blaise was probably the closest thing Draco had to a friend, being the only son of powerful Death Eaters and wanting nothing to do with it.

Draco cleared his throat.

"When do you think it'll die down?"

"Slytherin saving a falling Gryffindor? It'll be over by morning."

Draco snorted at Blaise's sarcasm.

"Draco, what the fuck were you thinking?"

"I don't know!" Draco exploded suddenly, pacing the dormitory. "I don't fucking know..."

"Relax," Blaise said, and Draco did. "you're a hero. That Weasley's a gem in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's eyes. You'll go down in history."

Draco laughed, shocked that Blaise was so laid-back about the entire situation. Then again, Draco hadn't ever seen Blaise riled up, or even bothered about anything.

"A Malfoy..." Draco mused, "a hero."

Even Blaise laughed at that thought.

"Potter's face was a picture though," Blaise laughed, chortling.

"What?" Draco's head snapped up at the mention of Ginny's ex boyfriend. "What do you mean?"

"Draco," Blaise said, almost pityingly, as if he found it shameful that Draco was so dim. "POTTER. The guy who's known for "having a saving-people thing". It should've been him swooping down to rescue the damsel, not you. Not a Slytherin. You're making us look bad," Blaise added, and Draco laughed. "Moreover," Blaise continued, "it was his ex girlfriend. And his best friend's sister. And it was GINNY WEASLEY. Frankly, I'm suprised he didn't grab her first."

"I wasn't thinking when I caught her," Draco muttured, more to himself than to Blaise. Blaise nodded. "I couldn't let her just..."

"Well," Blaise interrupted, "you didn't. You saved that Weasely girl's life, and you made Potter look like a twat. Good on you, son."

Draco frowned. He hadn't thought of it like that.

"Why didn't Potter even try to catch her?" Draco mused aloud, rushing his fingers though his already-messy hair.

"You're asking the wrong person, Malfoy. But I'll tell you this: when the Weasley girl droped off her broom, the first thing I did was look at Potter, expecting him to dive for her straight away. But you know what he did?"


"He closed his eyes. Like he's already accepted that she was dead and he couldn't stop it, or save her."

They lapsed into a thoughtful silence.

"So imagine my suprise when YOU came swooping down!" Blaise laughed. Draco sniggered a bit, before voicing what was haunting him. Blaise always looked outside the box, maybe he'd see something that Draco didn't.

"What do you think happened to her?" Draco asked.

"What do you mean?" Blaise asked, lazily turning his eyes to Draco.

"Well, she didn't just fall," Draco mused aloud.

"She might have been cursed. Sabotage."

Draco froze in his steps. It would make complete sense.


"I need to go." Draco hurriedly mumbled, heading for the door.

"Whatever, dude," he heard Blaise say, and he turned to see Blaise stretch and yawn, laying on his bed. So relaxed, not a care in the world, Draco thought. Wonder how that must feel.

But Draco had more important things to do, and even more important people to interrogate.

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