Chapter 33: Try To Work It Out

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Victoria's POV:

Kurt's words echoed around my mind as I sat back outside. 

Could I try? I mean what he did was unforgivable at the time because he never even waited to hear what actually happened before he wrongly accused me of cheating on him.  But maybe I could try letting him hear my side of the story again. 

If he'll even want too....

I felt tears brimming and quickly wiped them away. I headed back inside and straight to the phone where I pressed recent caller history and redialed Kurt's phone number. 

I listened to the phone ring three times before a voice finally picked up. 


I cleared my throat and spoke into the phone. "Hey Kurt, it's me Victoria." 

I could hear a stifled gasp from the other end of line and then he finally responded. "Victoria, hi, I honestly didn't you would get back to me this fast or at all for that matter." 

I chuckled a bit. "Well I'm just calling you to inform you that I'm willing to try." 

It was almost as if I could see him smile as he exclaimed, "That's great news Victoria, it really is. And I believe you, even if the photo does look like something else, it was just a hug." 

I smiled, a real one, for the first time in a while, warmed that he believed me. 

"It was really was just a hug." I said. "I just want him to realize that and hear it from me." 

"He will, don't you worry. I just want to thank you for being the first to step and try to resolve this. I've missed the two of you of together." 

"I have too..." My voice starting to crack. "Listen I have to go but just inform me if you get an idea, okay."

"Okay Victoria, I will, take care, okay?" 

"You too Kurt, bye." I said before hanging up. 

Emily's POV: 

Some how Kurt had gotten hold of Jessi's cell phone number and we had just gotten off the phone with him.

He had explained that he had just recently talked to Victoria and she admitted she was willing to try again with Max, even if she was still upset.

Kurt then explained how he knew it would be for the better if we helped Max and Victoria get back together.

So that's when we came up with our plan.

A few days later...

"Mommy! We're ready to go!!" I yelled from the front hall in our house. Our plan was starting.

"I'm here sweetie." Victoria smiled softly at me then looked at her mom. "Do we have some water packed? I don't want Emily getting dehydrated when we're out for our walk."

Jessi held up some water bottles from her purse. "I'm ahead of you."

Us three girls were going on a walk in a local park that had playgrounds, splash pads, and a petting zoo. Victoria thought we were going was because we wanted her out of the house and getting some fresh air when really we were 'accidently' bumping into Kurt and Max there.

I climbed into the back of the truck into my car seat and buckled myself in and Jessi and Victoria sat in the front.

Unfortunately I still had to use car seats because I was under the minimum weight to be out of one. I had tried putting up a fight about it but Victoria at the time wouldn't budge and said rules were rules and that she wanted what was best for me.

We decided not to take the limo because we didn't want to draw any extra attention to ourselves pulling up in the park's parking lot so Jessi suggested we'd drive the family vehicle.

As we arrived, Victoria unbuckled me from my seat because I always seemed to be able to do it up but I could never undo and get out of it. I guess it was a safety feature. As I hopped down from the truck I looked over at Jessi, who pointed at her watch and then winked, which meant we were right on schedule.

I crossed my fingers that everything would go smoothly.

Max's POV:

"I still don't understand why you dragged me to the park, Kurt." I groaned, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Because you need some fresh air, that's why." Kurt sassed as he walked alongside me.

"The sun is so bright though, I just want to go back to bed." I complained.

I watched the people around me, enjoying the weather and each other's company. The couples walking by made my heart ache and the sound of laughing children made me miss Emily.

As I focused in on the faces of the children I did a double take.

One of those kids was Emily.

No it couldn't be, I didn't see anyone near her I recgonzied....

Wait, yes I did. I could see Jessi and beside her the girl I fell in love with.

I stopped in my tracks.

"Kurt, what is the meaning of this." I growled suddenly knowing exactly what was going on.

He looked over at me wide-eyed like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Oh don't play dumb with me, I know this was your doing." I hassled him. "And I am not going to be part of it."

I started to march away in the other direction, back to the car.

"No Max wait!" Kurt called after me but I kept walking. It wasn't till I felt a tug at my pant leg that I stopped and my heart seemed to melt. 

Emily was using all her force, which wasn't really much, to keep me from walking, hugging my leg. She was also crying. 

I knelt down and gingerly took her face in my hands , wiping away her tears with the pad of my thumb. "What's gotten you all upset munchkin? Huh? Tell Max." 

"You can't leave, Mommy needs you." She hiccuped, burying her face into my shoulder. 

I think my heart tore in half. 

I easily scooped her up and rocked her back and forth on my hip trying to quiet her. 

"Emmie, look at me." I peeled her hands away from her face as she lifted her head off my shoulder. "Mommy and Max aren't going anywhere. We just needed a little break from each other, just to figure some stuff out, mkay?" 

"But it's been so long and mommy's so sad and Kurt told me you were sad too. I just wanted everyone to be happy." She sniffled. 

"We are working on it, I promise you." I said softly.

"Then why are you running away."  She pondered all innocently. 

I felt a pang of guilt. 

  Oh gosh this child was going to be the death of me.  

Hey guys, 

happy summer!! 

No words can express about how sorry I am about my updates. 

I hope this chapter was fulfilling though! 

Love you guys

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